ʻAdawī, Ibrāhīm ibn Ismāʻīl, d. ca. 1727 ʻĀṣim ibn Abī al-Najūd Ḥafṣ ibn Sulaymān, ca. 709-796 or 7
Published / Created:
A.H. 1087 (A.D. 1676)
Call Number:
Landberg MSS 183
Image Count:
Holograph, written in A.H. 1087 (A.D. 1676)., On the Koranic reading of ʻĀṣim ibn Abī al-Najūd, transmitted through Ḥafṣ ibn Sulaymān., and Preceded and followed by 2 leaves of notes.
Extensive marginalia., For date of the author's death see Bankipore catalog, XVIII, no. 1271., Good naskhī, in red and black., and Islamic binding, in red, with flap.
A full copy of the Qurʼān, copied on 10 Rabīʻ Awwal 1086 (Tuesday, 4 June, 1675); name of copyist and place of copying not mentioned.
Alternative Title:
Qurʼan., القرآن، [1675]., and قرآن
6.5 x 9.5 cm; written surface: 4.8 x 6.8 cm, 13 lines per page., In Arabic., In small and elegant naskh script, in black ink with headings and markings in red; text framed in blue and gold; catchwords., Purchased from Hartford Seminary on the Beinecke Rare Book & Capital Reserve Fund, 2005., and Red leather binding with flap.
A full copy of the Qurʼān, copied by Ibrāhīm al-ʻAfīf in 1238 H (1822 or 1823); place of copying not mentioned.
Alternative Title:
Qurʼan., القرآن، [1822 أو 1823]., and قرآن
10.5 x 16.3 cm; written surface: 6 x 10.8 cm, 15 lines per page., Bound., Colophon: "Sawwadahu al-mudhnib Ibrāhīm al-ʻAfīf al-muḥtāj ilá raḥmat rabbihi al-laṭīf ḥāmidan lillāh taʻālá wa-muṣalliyan ʻalá Nabīyihi Muḥammad wa-ālihi wa-ṣaḥbihi ajmaʻīn. Sanat thamān wa-thalāthūn wa-miʼatayn wa-alf.", In Arabic., In elegant naskh script, in black ink with markings in red; text framed in red, blue and gold; colorful decorations on leaves 1b and 2a and on the margins of some leaves; leaves 301a-305b contain "Duʻāʼ khatm al-Qurʼān" (prayer of conclusion of the reading of the Qurʼān) and other supplications; catchwords., Purchased from Hartford Seminary on the Beinecke Rare Book & Capital Reserve Fund, 2005., and الخاتمة: "سوّده المذنب إبراهيم العفيف المحتاج إلى رحمة ربه اللطيف حامدًا لله تعالى ومصليًا على نبيه محمد وآله وصحبه أجمعين. سنة ثمان وثلاثون ومائتين وألف."
A full copy of the Qurʼān, copied by ʻAlī al-Turābī, a student of Muḥammad al-Shukrī al-maʻrūf bi-Rīḥān Dhādah and ʻAlī al-Miṣrī who is burried in Istanbul, in 1250 H (1834 or 1835); place of copying not mentioned.
Alternative Title:
Qurʼan., القرآن، [1834 أو 1835]., and قرآن
11 x 16 cm; written surface: 5.5 x 9.5 cm, 15 lines per page., Bound with flap., Colophon: "Katabahu al-ḥaqīr al-faqīr al-mudhnib al-muḥtāj ilá raḥmat rabbihi al-qadīr al-maʻbūd ʻAlī al-Turābī min talāmīdh Muḥammad al-Shukrī al-maʻrūf bi-Rīḥān Dhādah wa-ʻAlī al-Miṣrī al-madfūn fī Islāmbūl ghafara Allāh dhunūbahu wa-dhunūbahumā wa-satara ʻuyūbahumā wa-li-wālidayhi wa-aḥsana ilayhimā wa-ilayhi sanat 1250.", In Arabic., In elegant naskh script, in black ink with markings in red; text framed in red, blue and gold; colorful decorations on leaves 1b and 2a., Leaves 304b-306a contain prayers and supplications., Purchased from Hartford Seminary on the Beinecke Rare Book & Capital Reserve Fund, 2005., and الخاتمة: "كتبه الحقير الفقير المذنب المحتاج إلى رحم ربه القدير المعبود علي الترابي من تلاميذ محمد الشكري المعروف بريحان ذادة وعلي المصري المدفون في إسلامبول غفر الله ذنوبه وذنوبهما وستر عيوبهما ولوالديه وأحسن إليهما وإليه سنة 1250."
A full copy of the Qurʼān in a leather case with a flap and a cloth ribbon to pull the copy out, copied by al-Ḥajj Ḥāfiẓ ʻAlī Nāmiq ibn Muṣṭafá a student of Muḥammad al-Waṣfī al-maʻruf bi-Kabahʹjī Dhādah in 1284 H (1867 or 1868); place of copying not mentioned.
Alternative Title:
Qurʼan., القرآن، [1867 أو 1868]., and قرآن
11.5 x 15.8 cm; written surface: 5.3 x 9 cm, 15 lines per page., Bound with flap., Colophon: "Wa-qad yussira itmām sittah wa-al-ʻishrīn [?] min Muṣḥaf al-Sharīf ʻan yad afqar al-anām al-Ḥājj Ḥāfiẓ ʻAlī Nāmiq ibn Muṣṭafá min talāmīdh al-marḥūm Muḥammad al-Waṣfī al-maʻrūf bi-Kabahʹjī Dhādah. Allāhumma Rabbanā ighfir la-nā wa-li-wālidaynā wa-li-ustādhinā yā ḥannān. Sanat 1284.", In Arabic., In elegant naskh script, in black ink with markings in red; text framed in red, blue and gold; colorful decorations on leaves 1a and 2a; catchwords., Purchased from Hartford Seminary on the Beinecke Rare Book & Capital Reserve Fund, 2005., and الخاتمة: "وقد يسر إتمام ستة والعشرين [؟] من مصحف الشريف عن يد أفقر الأنام الحاج حافظ علي نامق بن مصطفى من تلاميذ المرحوم محمد الوصفي المعروف بكبهجي ذادة. اللهم ربنا اغفر لنا ولوالدينا ولأستاذنا يا حنان. سنة 1284."
Copied by Yāqūt al-Mustaʻṣimī in A.H. 660 (A.D. 1261 or 1262).
On the scribe, cf. Huart, Les calligraphes et les miniaturistes de l'Orient Musulman, Paris, 1908, p. 84 ff., Pasted in is an ALS by Richard J.H. Gottheil in October 29, 1931 to Henry Fletcher describing this manuscript., Calligraphic microscopic naskhī, in red and black; ʻunwān in blue and gold on leaf 1 verso., Islamic binding, much younger, gilt, with flap., Colophon: "Katabahu Yāqūt al-Mustaʻṣimī sanat sittīn wa-sittimiʼah.", and Translation of the colophon: "Written by Yāqūt al-Mustaʻṣimī in the year 660 [of the Hijrah = 1261/1262]."
Subject (Name):
Fletcher, Henry Prather, 1873-1959., Gottheil, Richard J. H. 1862-1936. (Richard James Horatio),, and Yāqūt al-Mustaʻṣimī, -1299?