"The irradiated head of George IV in profile to the left, is almost covered by the darkly shaded head of Wellington, which is almost full-face, but glaring to the right with fierce yet apprehensive melancholy. From this darkened mask slants down and to the right a broadening shadow which passes across a terrestrial globe at the base of the design, covering an island inscribed 'England', but leaving 'Ireland' (right) unobscured. The rays from the King's head, only a few of which are covered by the shadow, extend to the margins and illuminate the edge of a border of dark cloud."--British Museum online catalogue
Alternative Title:
Eclipse lately discovered in the Georgium Sidus, and quite unexpected by any of the astronomers
Title etched below image., "A. Sharpshooter" is the pseudonym of John Phillips; see British Museum catalogue., and Approximate month of publication from the British Museum catalogue: June 1829.
Pub. by S.W. Fores, 41 Piccadilly
Subject (Geographic):
Subject (Name):
Wellington, Arthur Wellesley, Duke of, 1769-1852 and George IV, King of Great Britain, 1762-1830
Fourth page of a monthly magazine that consisted of four pages; included on this page are five individually-titled images, "MADRID, - A FALSE ALARM (British Museum Satires No. 17269): Ferdinand VII lies on his back in bed, his crown and a huge pot of 'Holy Water' beside him. He calls 'Quick! fetch the Holy Petticoat I once embroidered. St. Peter will sure admit me in that disguise'. Behind his bed-curtains a procession hurries forward, headed by a friar holding two huge candles. An acolyte swinging a censer walks before a bishop in his robes who holds up an embroidered petticoat hanging from a cross. Behind is another bishop. (Ferdinand VII's death was expected and had been reported. He recovered and died on 29 Sept. 1833. For the petticoat, reputedly embroidered for the Virgin during his internment at Valençay, see British Museum satires no. 12508, &c.)."--British Museum online catalogue, "DIETING IN GERMANY. (British Museum satires no. 17270) 'Liberty' is represented by the flames coming from big candle-ends placed on the ground; Francis I and Nicholas (out of place in the German Diet) are putting huge extinguishers over them. Five of the candles are 'Franckfort, Hesse-Cassel, Brandenburg, Hanover, Baden'. The Tsar: 'Extinguish it in one place it blazes in another'. He is back to back with the senile Francis who puts his extinguisher over 'Brandenburg', saying, 'Why the extinguisher itself appears to be igniting'. (See British Museum satires no. 17212, &c. Revolutionary movements in Europe, cf. No. 16535, had in fact been suppressed or had subsided. For the extinguisher cf. Nos. 12588, 14145.)."--British Museum online catalogue, "DUTCHMEN BLOCKING UP THE NAVIGATION OF THE SCHELDT. (British Museum satires no. 17271) A row of fat Dutchmen sit on the water, buoyed up by bulky and inflated breeches. All are smoking long pipes; one says 'Yau Mynheer'. Behind them are small ships. Two frogs watch from a bank in the foreground. (The obstinacy of the King of Holland in claiming control over the navigation of the Scheldt, including the right of preventing ships from passing to or from the high seas, was a main obstacle in the settlement of the Dutch-Belgian question. Camb. Hist, of Br. Foreign Policy, ii. 146 ff. See British Museum satires no. 17295, &c. Van Stolk, no. 7170. )."--British Museum online catalogue, "PORTUGAL (British Museum satires no. 17272) An ugly infant, Queen Maria (left), and a crowned ape, Miguel, face each other across a chasm. On the plain below and between them scattered forces are fighting. The child, who has dropped her coral and bells, holds out her arms, screaming 'Ah you've got my crown! I will have my crown'. The ape, who presses a foot on human bones, grimaces savagely. Below each protagonist is a supporter. A man waving a cocked hat shouts 'Fight for your illustrious Queen'. A monk holds up both arms, shouting 'Fight for your August King!!' Below the title: '"Oh its a mighty pretty Quarrel" (Sir Lucius O'Trigger)' [Sheridan, The Rivals]. (For the civil war in Portugal see British Museum satires no. 17179, &c.)."--British Museum online catalogue, and "PERFECTS AND IMPERFECTS, OR DREADFUL TIMES. (British Museum satires no. 17273) 'The Times' newspaper is represented by a man whose body from neck to hips is covered by a sheet of 'The Times'; across the columns of the paper are the words: 'Horrible! \ Dreadful!! \ Frightful!! \ Mare's Nest \ discovered near \ Hammersmith'. The square head, with fierce angular features and a pen stuck in it, is seemingly an ink-pot. The limbs are those of a vigorous man, who lunges fiercely with outstretched arms, holding a huge ink-ball in each hand. With one he knocks backward and blackens the face of an elderly man dressed like the Duke of Cumberland who watches from the left. 'The Times': 'I should not have known how to make any thing of the Duke's apology; because a short-sighted man might ride nearer than he intended, and seeing people so much more frightened than hurt, might possibly smile:--But you I have at my mercy. Where's the mustachoes Sir? Where's the mustachoes?--There, Sir-- there, have you any mind for another dose'. Cumberland, stooping aggressively, exclaims: 'Oh! you officious blockhead, you will get freely belaboured for your pains'. A young lady, who watches mincingly from the right, cries, 'Oh! I am quite positive as to the mustachoes!!'."--British Museum online catalogue
Titles from text below images., Printmaker from British Museum online catalogue., and Publisher from publisher's statement "London, Published by Thos. McLean, 26 Haymarket" on first page of magazine; date of publication from series numbering "Vol. 3rd, Octr. 1, 1832" on first page of magazine. See British Museum online catalogue, registration no.: 1868,0808.12322.
T. Mclean
Subject (Geographic):
Antwerp (Belgium) and Great Britain
Subject (Name):
Maria II, Queen of Portugal, 1819-1853, Ferdinand VII, King of Spain, 1784-1833, William I, King of the Netherlands, 1772-1843, Anglesey, Henry William Paget, Marquis of, 1768-1854, Francis I, Emperor of Austria, 1768-1835, Wellington, Arthur Wellesley, Duke of, 1769-1852, Spencer, John Charles Spencer, Earl, 1782-1845, Russell, John Russell, Earl, 1792-1878, Nicholas I, Emperor of Russia, 1796-1855, Newcastle, Henry Pelham Fiennes Pelham Clinton, Duke of, 1785-1851, Ellenborough, Edward Law, Baron, 1750-1818, Maltby, Edward, 1770-1859, Derby, Edward George Geoffrey Smith Stanley, Earl of, 1799-1869, Denman, Thomas Denman, Baron, 1779-1854, Brougham and Vaux, Henry Brougham, Baron, 1778-1868, Karl II, Duke of Brunswick-Lüneburg-Wolfenbüttel, 1804-1873, Knight, Charles, 1791-1873, Quentin, George Augustus, 1760-1851., and Georg V, King of Hannover, 1819-1878
Subject (Topic):
Siege, 1832, Catholics, Public opinion, Monkeys, and Arcimboldesque figures
Manuscript on paper in a secretary hand of the complete text of Stephen Hopkins' translation of de Granada's Libro de oracion y meditatcion
In English., Text follows the 1584 Rouen edition., No title page, but Hopkins is identified as the author in the Prologue to the Dedicatory Epistle, which includes his attack on the English Puritans and which opens the work., Annotation on p. 1: "Ex Bib. S. Wilfredi.", Annotation on blank p. 684: "Elizabeth Cottan.", and Binding: blind-ruled parchment; fragments of parchment ms. (ca. 1600) used as liners.
Subject (Geographic):
England. and England
Subject (Name):
Hopkins, Stephen, d. 1594?, Luis, de Granada, 1504-1588, and Catholic Church
Subject (Topic):
Translations, Prayers and devotions, Catholics, Meditations (Religious)., Meditations, Catholic Church, Puritans, and Controversial literature
Manuscript on paper in a neat bookhand of 57 devotional poems written in celebration of the feasts of the Roman Catholic Church from Trinity Sunday to the close of the Time after Pentecost. The volume opens with a 13 stanza poem, "For Trinitie Sunday," followed by a 12 stanza poem, "Of the Blessed Sacrament." Thereafter the poems cover feasts and saints' days from St. Barnaby's Day (June 11) to St. Catherine's Day (November 25); there are several feasts represented by two poems and The verses are in a variety of stanza forms. Stanzas are numbered, and each poem is headed by a title within rules and closes with "Amen."
In English. and Volume may be the surviving second volume of a set covering the complete church year.
Edmund Burke kneels holding a crucifix and rosary as protection from the two ghosts of Mirabeau and Price who stand before him drapped in sheets surrounded by clouds. They hold out to him copies of his Reflections on the French Revolution, damning him for the crime of writing such opinions. An old woman on the right holds a chamber-pot under her petticoats and sprinkles Burke, "old Loyola", with the water from a feathered aspergillum asserting that "this holy water' will protect him, an old accusation that he was a cancealed Roman Catholic
Title etched below image., Possibly by Rowlandson (see Grego, p. 293) or by Henry Wigstead or William Holland (see British Museum catalogue)., and Sheet trimmed within plate mark.
Pubd. May 17, 1791, by W. Holland, No. 50 Oxford Street
Subject (Geographic):
Great Britain
Subject (Name):
Burke, Edmund, 1729-1797., Burke, Edmund, 1729-1797, Mirabeau, Honoré-Gabriel de Riqueti, comte de, 1749-1791, and Price, Richard, 1723-1791
Subject (Topic):
Catholics, Public opinion, Anti-Catholicism, Aspergillums, Chamber pots, and Ghosts
Wellington drives a large new coach pulled by three horses with human heads. He is dressed in a a triple-caped greatcoat and broad brimmed hat and flicks the long whip with skill on the backs of the horses depicted with the heads of John Bull and on either side, stock characters of an Irishman and Scotsman wearing traditional hats. They ride on a road labelled "national debt' as the horses hoves sink in the mud labelled "sinking fund." Peel rides behind in the conductor's seat. One of the four curtains on the windows of the omnibus is pulled aside to reveal George IV about to kiss Lady Conyngham. The splash board of the new omnibus is painted with the gold initials 'GR' and a crown
Alternative Title:
Title etched below image., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., and Printseller's announcement following publication statement: sole publisher of WH's etchings.
Pub. Oct. 15th, 1829, by T. McLean, 26 Haymarket
Subject (Geographic):
Great Britain. and Great Britain
Subject (Name):
Conyngham, Elizabeth Conyngham, Marchioness, -1861, George IV, King of Great Britain, 1762-1830, Peel, Robert, 1788-1850, and Wellington, Arthur Wellesley, Duke of, 1769-1852
Subject (Topic):
Catholics, Catholic emancipation, Debts, public, John Bull (Symbolic character), Economic conditions, Buses, and British
Manuscript on paper, in a single hand, of a collection of political material, the bulk of which consists of petitions and Parliamentary speeches made in 1640 and 1641. The grievances cited in a petition by "the Citizens of London" at York include "imposicions upon Merchandise imported and exported. The urging and levying of ship money...the great concourse of Papists and their adherents in London...The seldome calling and sodaine dissolving of Parlmt. without redressing your subjects grevances;" and a petition of "the Lay-Catholiques Recusants of England" begs for relief from persecution. Issues discussed in Parliament during this time include the trial of Thomas Wentworth, Earl of Strafford, the Oath of allegiance to the Church of England, and the question of episcopal government. The manuscript also contains a satirical piece titled "Observations of Holland" which declares, "It is excellent for desparring Lovers, for each corner affoords a Willow; But if Justice should condemne one to bee hang'd on any other Tree, he may live long, and confident," followed by a similarly satirical piece on Scotland. A sermon "preacht at St. Gyles in Edinburgh...1638...by James Rowe" declares "The Kirk a Scotland cau'd a smeld as weele, as any Kirk ith the Warld. Than the Kyrk a Rounie smelt sa strang that at furst she cau'd a tauld yee, she taisted o the cheare o Babylon. But now bring in the stinkenest Papery under her Neese, and it wull savour as sweat as an Aple." The manuscript concludes with "The Oath all are to take, or to suffer as Papists" and a petition from "severall grammer schooles in and about the Cyty of London."
In English., Partial table of contents at beginning., Initials stamped on front and back covers: "T. D.", and Binding: full sheep.
Subject (Geographic):
Great Britain., Great Britain, Netherlands, and Scotland
Subject (Name):
Arundel and Surrey, Thomas Howard, second earl of, 1585-1646., Charles I, King of England, 1600-1649., Strafford, Thomas Wentworth, Earl of, 1593-1641., and Great Britain. Parliament, 1640-1641.
Subject (Topic):
Catholics, Episcopacy, Satire, Sermons, Ship money, History, Politics and government, Religious life and customs, and Description and travel
Manuscript, on parchment, in a single secretary hand, of a copy of the will of Sir John Fitzjames. The will opens with an appeal to "the most blessed Mother and virgyn Marie St. Anthony and St. Chr[ist]ofer" for their intercession for his soul; arrangements for funeral and intercessory Masses and for a Month's Mind service and The extremely detailed lists of personal and estate bequests that follow comprise a virtual household inventory of the manor house at Redlynch in Somerset. His widow, Eleanor Draycott, receives liferent of Redlynch and Knoll as well as use of the household furnishings, including the beds, hangings, "carpettes, cusshyons, dysshes, potts, and pannes," as well as tablecloths, jewelry, and various articles of plate. Fitzjames also leaves "my greate book of Statutes in vellum or parchment" to his cousin Nicholas Fitzjames, the nearest male heir and successor to Redlynch; silver cups to various other relatives; and ten shillings for "every mayden of good and honest conversation" in his household
In English and Latin., With: 3 documents on parchment concerning James Fitzjames. (1) Indenture transferring revenues and fees inherited from Sir John Fitzjames in the county of Somerset, signed and dated 26 June 1568. (2) Indenture concerning the same, signed and dated 26 June 1570. (3) Attestation of probate of a will for a member of the Fitzjames family in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, signed by the Clerk Thomas Argall and issued in the name of Archbishop Cranmer, n.d. (damaged)., and With: volume of manuscript transcripts of three of the documents made for Sir Thomas Phillipps, with genealogical notes on the Fitzjames family.
Subject (Geographic):
Subject (Name):
Draycott, Eleanor., Fitzjames, John, Sir, 1470?-1542?., and Fitzjames family.
Subject (Topic):
Catholics, Decedents' estates, Inheritance and succession, Manors, Material culture, Prayers for the dead, Saints, Cult, and Wills