Titleetched below image., Printmaker from British Museum catalogue., Originally published July 30th, 1782. Cf. Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum, v. 5, no. 6015., Sheet trimmed mostly within plate mark., and Temporary local subject terms: Executioner's ax -- Braying asses -- Bible: quotations (2 Sam. 17:1-23).
A satire on the resignation of Charles James Fox, here depicted with a fox's head and riding on a donkey, about to go under a gallows which straddles the road in a country setting
Title from item., Printmaker from British Museum catalogue., and Mounted to 32 x 41 cm.
Pubd. July 30th, 1782, by E. D'Achery, St. James's Street
Subject (Geographic):
Great Britain and England
Subject (Name):
Fox, Charles James, 1749-1806
Subject (Topic):
Politics and government, Donkeys, Gallows, and Clothing & dress
A satire on the resignation of Charles James Fox, here depicted with a fox's head and riding on a donkey, about to go under a gallows which straddles the road in a country setting
Title from item., Printmaker from British Museum catalogue., 1 print : etching on laid paper ; sheet 24.1 x 34.7 cm., Sheet trimmed to plate mark., and Mounted on leaf 36 of volume 1 of 12.
Pubd. July 30th, 1782, by E. D'Achery, St. James's Street
Subject (Geographic):
Great Britain and England
Subject (Name):
Fox, Charles James, 1749-1806
Subject (Topic):
Politics and government, Donkeys, Gallows, and Clothing & dress
"Satire on village life. A country fair in which three young women are running for the prize of a smock; the third in line has tripped over a dog and is being helped up by a man. In the foreground, left to right: a young couple embrace beneath two trees hung with drapery; a small girl fills a mug of beer from a cask on which leans the village constable, asleep, with an empty mug in his lap; a small girl beside him holds a book lettered, "Compleat Peace Off[ice]r."; a dog steals food from a plate discarded on the ground; an old man stands on tip-toe holding his eye-glass to read a notice lettered, "To be Run for by Men in Sacks, A Flitch of Bacon on Tuesday next" which is pinned to one of the trees; a sailor sits on a branch of the tree holding up the hem of the prize smock which hangs on a pole at either end of which is a three-cornered hat; another sailor lounges on the ground looking at the runing women, a large jug near his foot; a chimney boy grabs a gingerbread crown from a boy who is holding a donkey by a chain; a small girl holds a younger child who waves another gingerbread crown while a dog jumps up to reach it. Behind the area roped off for the race is a crowd of spectators and a farm cart which a woman climbs into with the help of two men and another woman already in the cart; a man with a cockade in his hat waves a small flag on a pole, perhaps indicating the start of the race; a larger flag with a cross flies behind; other villagers are gathered in and around a makeshift tent; a one-horse carriage driven by a woman and carrying a gentleman comes into the scene from the right; behind the carriage two men are fencing. Women watch from upper windows of a large house in the background; on its walls are two bird-bottles and a dove-cote which a cat is eyeing with interest from a window sill; beyond is a windmill."--British Museum online catalogue
Title etched below image., Sheet trimmed to plate mark., Temporary local subject terms: Country fairs -- Buildings -- Prizes: Holland smock -- Tricorne hats -- Constables -- Barrels with spiggots -- Beer -- Food: gingerbread -- Vehicles -- Chaise -- Animals -- Trades -- Donkey-driver -- Dishes: tankards -- Dove-cot -- Placards: race notice -- Customs: allusion to the "Flitch of bacon" -- Quizzing glasses -- Naval uniforms: sailor's uniform., and Mounted to 28 x 38 cm.
Printed for Robt. Sayer, No. 53 in Fleet Street, & Jno. Smith, No. 35 in Cheapside, London
published according to act of Parliament, [approximately 1736]
Call Number:
Image Count:
Resource Type:
An ass with panniers, driven by Wake, Archbishop of Canterbury who carries a whip in one hand and a book in the other. The ass has the face of Dr. Lynch, Dean of Canterbury, son-in-law of Wake who bestowed manu preferments on the Dean. A poorly fed and clothed clergyman kneels on one knee before the ass and salutes the beast, who turns his face away. In the pannier, which is marked "Sinecure of Bray", lie many labels or packages inscribed with the names of Dr. Llynch's preferments
Alternative Title:
Ass loaded wth church preferments and Ass loaded with church preferments
Title from item., Publication date inferred from dated impression of this print in the Pierpont Morgan Library., Publication date in British Museum catalogue: ca. 1735., The word 'church' in title is represented by an image of a church building., Bowditch's ms. annotations on the mounting sheet., and Mounted to 34 x 42 cm.
publisher not identified
Subject (Name):
Wake, William, 1657-1737 and Lynche, John, 1697 or 1698-1760
"An adaptation of British Museum Satires No. 11904 (1812), by Cruikshank, reversed, with Lady Conyngham replacing Lady Hertford. The open barouche, with four galloping horses and the Cupid postilion, is closely copied. Behind the carriage, as footman, General Bloomfield replaces McMahon. Conyngham replaces Hertford on the donkey, with the antlers, dress, and (incorrectly) the staff of office of his predecessor. He says: "How fortunate am I to have a Handsome and Cunning wife or I should not wear those marks of Distinction!" Lady Conyngham repeats Lady Hertford's words: "We have had a glorious ride my Love! It is worth Half a Crown" [cf. British Museum Satires No. 13826]. George IV: "My Cunning-one I have not Half a Crown to give thee, Would that I had." The Devil drives, as before, but sits alone, instead of beside Lord Yarmouth; a long barbed tail has been added. The 'Female Asylum' (for discarded mistresses) is similarly drawn but less ramshackle; the women looking from the windows are altered; Lady Hertford replaces Mrs. Fitzherbert: the words are as before, but '. . . his Poor F' becomes 'his Poor H'. On the roof, in place of two cats as supporters of the inverted feathers and coronet, are three cats with a (heraldic) scroll and a chamber-pot. The tail of the procession (Sheridan and the wagon 'For Yarmouth . . .') is omitted. The signpost points 'To Brighton'; Ragley is replaced (left) by the domes and minarets of the Pavilion, burlesqued."--British Museum online catalogue
Title etched below image., Printmaker and date of publication from the British Museum catalogue., Three lines of quoted text following title: "For trifling sports I quitted grave affairs," "And let not wine or anger wrest," "Th' intrusted secret from your breast.", Mounted to 39 x 58 cm., Mounted on leaf 16 in volume 2 of the W.E. Gladstone collection of caricatures and broadsides surrounding the "Queen Caroline Affair.", and Figures of "Ld. Conyngham," "Geo. IV," and "[Lady] Conyngham" identified in ink below image; date "Nov. 1820" written in lower right corner. Typed extract of twenty-six lines from the British Museum catalogue description is pasted opposite (on verso of preceding leaf).
Pubd. by J.L. Marks, 28 Fetter Lane, Fleet St.
Subject (Name):
George IV, King of Great Britain, 1762-1830, Conyngham, Elizabeth Conyngham, Marchioness, -1861, Bloomfield, Benjamin Bloomfield, Baron, 1768-1846, Conyngham, Henry Conyngham, Marquess, 1766-1832, Hertford, Isabella Anne Ingram-Seymour-Conway, Marchioness of, 1760-1834, and Royal Pavilion (Brighton, England),
Subject (Topic):
Adultery, Mistresses, Carriages & coaches, Donkeys, Antlers, Devil, Pitchforks, Asylums, Cats, Chamber pots, Traffic signs & signals, and Official residences
Title from text below image., Attribution to William Heath and date of publication from pencil note "Heath 1826" in lower left; also present is the note "McCleary" in lower right., This record is derived from historic data and may not reflect our current information. Review and updating of records is ongoing., Not in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires., and Temporary local Medical Library subject terms: Clyster -- Animals, prevention of cruelty to.
publisher not identified
Subject (Topic):
Animal welfare, Veterinary medicine, Medical equipment & supplies, Goats, Donkeys, Dogs, and Cattle
Title from item., Title etched below image., Publisher's initials form monogram., Sheet trimmed to plate line., and Date of possible publication from British Museum catalogue. Reissue by a different publisher.
Pub. by HHumphrey, No. 18 New Bond Strt
Subject (Name):
Amherst, Jeffery Amherst, Baron, 1717-1797., George III, King of Great Britain, 1738-1820., and Gordon, George, Lord, 1751-1793.
Satirical frontispiece to a tract entitled "An Address of Thanks to the Broad-Bottoms, for the Good Things they have done, and the Evil Things they have not done, Since their Elevation . ." on the coalition government, called broad-bottomed because it included Tories as well as opposition Whigs, and its failure to keep promises made in opposition to reduce taxes. The bare bottoms of members of the government are shown from the rear piled on top of one another over a pointed arch facing the rising sun. In the centre of the group Sir John Hynde Cotton is recognisable from his profile and his size. The members are defecating on to a group of asses beneath. Each ass carries a load labelled with the name of a tax: salt, land, soap, malt, candles, wine and tea. The burden on one ass is lettered "Septan", i.e. "Septennial", referring to Opposition promises to reduce the years between elections from seven to three. Another ass carries "Lottery" and "Annuities", and another includes in its pack "Black Act" (which created the capital offence of blackening the face, as a disguise, when committing a crime).--British Museum online catalogue
Title from item., Publication information from the book for which this plate was printed., Frontispiece from: An address of thanks to the Broad-Bottoms ... . London : Printed for M. Cooper, at the Globe in Pater-Noster Row, MDCCXLV [1745]., Two lines of verse below image: Believing, we lifted [the] up among the mighty, yet our drivers have join'd, increasing our loads., "Jeffrey Broadbottom" was a pseudonym of William Guthrie, pamphleteer in the Pelham interest., and Not by Hogarth, as has been claimed. Cf. Felbrigg, p. 122, ref. to Nichols, 3rd edition, p. 449 "a palpable imposition" (to call it by Hogarth).
M. Cooper
Subject (Geographic):
Great Britain
Subject (Name):
Cotton, John Hynde, Sir, 1686-1752, Carteret, John, Earl Granville, 1690-1763, and Pelham, Henry, 1695?-1754
Subject (Topic):
Taxation, History, Defecation, Donkeys, and Politicians