Manuscript fragment on parchment of prayers for the dead, possibly from a rituale
In Latin., Script: written in large gothic script (littera textualis formata)., and Decoration: 2- and 3-line initials are in black with black penwork, some filled with red; punctuated with the punctus, punctus elevatus, and punctus flexus; hyphenation in the same ink as the text; line fillers in black; line divider on fol. 2r is in the shape of a square with four compartments like a coat of arms; one of the compartments contains the picture of a face.
Manuscript on paper (watermarks trimmed; unidentified) of various prayers
In German and Latin., Script: Text written in formal gothic by one scribe. Prayers added on the flyleaves, front and back, by several later hands in italic of the 17th century and later. 2- and 1-line initials in blue-grey or orange-tinted red. 1-line initials within the text, with red stroke. Extensive rubrication in orange-tinted red., and Binding: 16th-17th centuries. Sewn on three single, round, vegetable fiber cords laced into wooden boards. "Made" endbands glued on and extending onto the outer face of the boards. Red edges and numerous place marks of vellum or tawed skin on the fore-edge. The spine rounded and lined. Covered in dark brown calf with two brass catches on the upper board and brass clasps hinged to the lower. The lower board is detached and one clasp and some leather at head and tail of the spine are wanting.
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut and New Haven.
Subject (Name):
Augustinians. and Catholic Church
Subject (Topic):
Manuscripts, Medieval, Monasticism and religious orders, and Prayers
Manuscript on paper (watermarks obscured by binding and trimming) of prayers and hymns to the Virgin Mary
In Italian and Latin., Script: Written by one scribe in round gothic bookhand., Four poorly executed initials in gold and colors on ff. 1r, 2r (two), and 4r; the last accompanied by green and gold dots. Red initial strokes; rubrics throughout., and Binding: single quire tacketed to a piece of folded vellum.
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut and New Haven.
Subject (Name):
Mary, Blessed Virgin, Saint and Catholic Church
Subject (Topic):
Devotion to., Hymns, Italian, Illumination of books and manuscripts, Medieval, and Manuscripts, Medieval
Manuscript on paper of Prayers to be said at various times during the Mass. Composed by Paul Pellisson-Fontanier (1624-93).
In French., Script: Written by the master calligrapher Jean Pierre Rousselet, a follower of Nicholas Jarry, active in Paris between 1677 and 1736., Two full-page miniatures and nine historiated headpieces in gouache, all in frames best described as resembling the frames of 18th-century mirrors; the frames blue and purple with white highlights and gold side-pieces decorated with red flowers in diamonds; floral swags at bottom. Tail pieces with swags, as above and filled with gold, on f. 48v with the Holy Spirit as a dove. 3- and 2-line initials, blue with white highlights on gold; 1-line initials in red. Titles in gold, red and blue capitals; running headings and rubrics in red., and Binding: 18th-19th centuries. Black goatskin, gold-tooled. A red label and salmon pink doublures and flyleaves. Gilt edges.
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut and New Haven.
Subject (Name):
Pellisson-Fontanier, Paul, 1624-1693. and Catholic Church
Subject (Topic):
Liturgy, Devotional literature, French, Illumination of books and manuscripts, Medieval, Manuscripts, Medieval, and Missals
Manuscript, on parchment, in two scribal hands, of a processional according to the use of Sarum. The manuscript, which is apparently lacking two gatherings and includes fourteen later additions, features extensive musical notation on 4-line staves
Alternative Title:
In Latin; ownership inscription and anathema in Middle English., Ownership inscription for the parish church of St. Mary, Redgrave, Suffolk: "Iste liber constat de Redgrave" in a fifteenth-century hand., Anathema in Middle English verse on the verso of the second flyleaf: "This bok is on and goddys crus ys anodur/He that stel the ton mot haue the todyr" in a fifteenth-century hand., Numerous other early ownership inscriptions and pen trials on front flyleaves., Annotation on verso of nineteenth-century endpaper, in pencil, identifying the text as a "Sarum Processional," dated 1847., Layout: single columns, mostly of 23 lines., Script: gothic script., Decoration: musical notation on 4-line staves, red and blue penwork initials, rubrics, and blue paragraph marks. Numerous initials in brown ink, some decorated with faces and grotesques., and Binding: nineteenth-century black morocco, gilt; marbled endpapers. JHS monogram framing cross centered on both covers. Title in gilt on black leather tag on spine.
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut and New Haven.
Subject (Name):
Catholic Church and Catholic Church.
Subject (Topic):
Liturgy, Manuscripts, Medieval, and Processionals (Liturgical books)
Manuscript on parchment. Written as a gift for Barbara Pfintzing, who entered a nunnery in 1441 at the age of 16. The text indicates that the manuscript was produced for use in a Dominican house of nuns; liturgical directions are written in German (the feminine forms in the antiphons and prayers often bear suprascript masculine endings, in red).
In Latin and German., Script: Written by a single scribe in well formed gothic textura. Articles 1 and 6 have 4-line staves, in red, and black square notes., Uninspired blue initial, 2-stave, on f. 1r, infilled and surrounded by red penwork flourishes with blue accents. Similar plain initials, 2-line, alternate in blue, red, and black with red throughout. Running titles and headings in red., and Binding: Sixteenth century. Resewn, using original sewing holes, on three double vegetable fiber cords laced into back-cornered and indented oak boards. Endbands embroidered on a strip of vellum and adhered, the vellum extending onto the outside of the boards. The spine is square and lined all along with manuscript fragments extending to the inside of the boards. Covered in vellum blind-tooled with concentric borders containing heads in oval frames among foliage in the outer, and busts of saints in the inner. Two brass fastenings, the catch on the upper board, straps attached to the lower with a metal plate. Straps wanting and a slight crack in one joint.
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut and New Haven.
Subject (Name):
Catholic Church and Dominicans
Subject (Topic):
Liturgy, Manuscripts, Dominican sisters, Manuscripts, Medieval, Monasticism and religious orders, and Processionals (Liturgical books)
In Latin., Script: Copied by one hand in Northern Gothica Textualis Formata. Rubrics in Gothica Hybrida Formata (Bastarda). Music notation in Nota Quadrata., Red rubrics. Heightening of majuscules in yellow. Alternately red and blue1-line plain initials on ff. 176r-177r. Flourished initials (height: 1 stave + 1 text line) alternately red with purple penwork and blue with red penwork. Cadels (same size) in a rectangular frame decorated with foliage on a yellow background. On f. 1r damaged large golden initial (2 staves + 2 lines of text) on a blue background containing coat of arms of Hugo Gontard, a canon in the collegiate church of St. Genesius (St. Genez) at Clermont-Ferrand in 1515 and "abbot" of the said church, 1519-1545., Many pages badly damaged and faded, especially f. 1r., and Binding: Nineteenth century. Marbled leather over cardboard, repaired. Gold-tooled spine with title on red leather label: "LIVRE D'HEURES". Brown marbled paper endpapers.
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut and New Haven.
Subject (Name):
Catholic Church
Subject (Topic):
Liturgy, Illumination of books and manuscripts, Medieval, Manuscripts, Medieval, Music, and Processionals (Liturgical books)
Manuscript on parchment of a processional for use by a Dominican nuns' convent. Includes processionals for Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, and Easter among others
In Latin., Script: written in somewhat irregular northern gothica textualis formata. Musical notation is in nota quadrata., Decoration: red rubrics (often missing); 2-line red plain initials for the prayers; black cadels of the same height, stroked in red., and Binding: original binding; reddish brown leather over wooden boards. Both covers blind-tooled.
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut and New Haven.
Subject (Name):
Catholic Church
Subject (Topic):
Liturgy, Processionals (Liturgical books), Holy Week music, and Manuscripts, Medieval
In Latin., Script: copied by one hand in Southern Gothica Textualis Formata, using Uncial and Half-Uncial d. Headings in red. Alternately blue and red 1-line plain versals. Alternately blue and red 2-line flourished initials, respectively with red and purple penwork., and Manuscript on parchment of fragments of a Psalter in which the Psalms (or parts of them) seem to have been arranged according to various intentions; an unknown number of leaves is missing between ff. 1 and 2. Including Psalms 31, 37, 50, 142, and the Kyrie eleyson.
Manuscript on parchment of a sumptuously illuminated and exceptionally well preserved manuscript of East Anglian origin
In Latin., Script: Written in fine gothic bookhand., Eight of the original ten historiated initials survive. The initials are pink and blue with white filigree and dots on f. 7r incorporating intertwining leaves in pink, blue, green and orange; the figures predominantly orange, and purple with some pink, blue and green, on elaborately tooled gold, set against square grounds, quartered blue and red, with diapering. Each initial with a lavishly ornamented full border incorporating spiraling foliage, large oak leaves, flowers, knots, grotesques, and quatrefoils framing additional figures. 2-line initials for Psalms, pink and/or blue, with white filigree and dots, filled with spiraling ivy, large leaves and dots, blue, green and orange, occasionally a fleur-de-lis, flower, or diaper pattern, on gold, against pink and blue grounds, with white filigree and dots, most connected to bar borders, pink, blue, orange and gold with floral, ivy and grotesque terminals. 1-line initials for verses, gold, thickly edged in black, against irregular pink and blue grounds with white filigree and dots. Many varied line fillers in red and blue., Lower right corners of ff. 42 and 85 excised., and Binding: Sixteenth century, perhaps at Oxford. Caught-up sewing on twelve tawed, slit strap supports, only four of them laced into beech boards, the others cut off at the edges of the spine. The spine is square and the bands prominent and defined. Covered in dark brown calf, blind-tooled with two concentric frames of medallion heads and arabesques, with thistles in the outer corners of the inner panel and an ornament with a cherub's head on it in the center. Nails for catches but no marks of them on the leather, stubs of two straps on the upper board.
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut and New Haven.
Subject (Name):
Catholic Church
Subject (Topic):
Liturgy, Illumination of books and manuscripts, Medieval, Manuscripts, Medieval, and Psalters