"One of a set of prints by one or more artists on the marriage of the Prince of Wales and Mrs. Fitzherbert. The interior of a well-furnished room. The Prince of Wales (left) takes the hand of Mrs. Fitzherbert and is about to put the ring on her finger. The officiating minister (left), Weltje, stands in profile to the right holding a book inscribed 'Matrimony' and 'Hoyle's Games'. From his pocket issues a paper, 'Weltjie's Natn Bill'. A cork-screw and another implement hang from his waist by a jewelled chain, simulating a rosary and cross; he wears a long gown over fashionably cut clothes. Next Mrs. Fitzherbert (right) stands George Hanger, giving her away; he wears regimentals with a huge cocked hat; under his left arm is a bludgeon (cf. BMSat 7116). The Prince wears the insignia of the Garter, Mrs. Fitzherbert (poorly characterized) wears a triple ostrich plume in her hair with the motto 'Ich dien'. On the wall are two pictures: a three quarter length portrait of Mrs. Fitzherbert, and (right) a Leda and the Swan, partly concealed by a curtain which fills the upper right corner of the design. Beneath the Leda is a semicircular table on which are vases and a book, 'Love's Last Shift' (Cibber's play). A hanging candelabra is part of the design."--British Museum online catalogue
Alternative Title:
Marriage of Figaro
Title from item., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., In lower right corner: Price 2s. 6d., Subjects of character identified by inscriptions on their clothing., Temporary local subject terms: Prussian officers' uniforms -- Furniture -- Pictures that amplify subject -- Literary allustions: Love's Last Shift by Colley Cibber -- Holcroft's Follies of the Day., Watermark in center of sheet., and In manuscript on verso: Horace Walpole sat 8:2.
Published March 13th 1786 by S.W. Fores, at the Caracature Warehouse, No. 3 Piccadilly
Subject (Name):
George IV, King of Great Britain, 1762-1830, Fitzherbert, Maria Anne, 1756-1837, Hanger, George, 1751?-1824, and Weltje, Louis, 1745-1810
"A fox with the head of Fox sits in profile to the right, one paw on the forehead of a life-like bust of the Prince of Wales, which he has carved; his mallet and chisels lie on the ground. He says: "What a goodly figure this makes! what a Pity that it should want Brains. Esops Fab." Two other pieces of sculpture stand on pedestals: (left) a whole length statue of a woman, kneeling on one knee in profile to the left, partly draped, having a certain resemblance to Mrs. Fitzherbert; a head (right) wearing a laurel wreath in profile to the left, looking up at Fox and the Prince; it has the long nose of Hanger, but is perhaps intended for Aesop."--British Museum online catalogue
Title from item., Attributed to George Townley Stubbs in the British Museum online catalogue, registration no.: J,4.57., Sheet trimmed to plate mark on right and left sides., and Partial watermark at top center of sheet.
Pubd. Augt. 2, 1786 by W.S. [sic] Fores at the Caracature Ware-House, No. 3 Piccadilly
Subject (Name):
George IV, King of Great Britain, 1762-1830, Fox, Charles James, 1749-1806, Hanger, George, 1751?-1824, and Fitzherbert, Maria Anne, 1756-1837
"A strip design. Beneath the figures are inscriptions indicating their identity. The procession is preceded on the extreme right by Hall the apothecary, one of Fox's chief supporters in Westminster, who holds the abortive 'Regency Bill'. A medical instrument protrudes from his coat-pocket; he is 'Apozem, Clerk, & Apothecary'. ... After him in priest's robes and wearing a Jesuit's biretta walks Burke, 'Ignatius Loyola' (cf. BMSat 6026), holding an 'Ode upon his Majesty Recovery'. ... The coffin is carried on the shoulders of six men with bulls' heads, hoofs, and tails, wearing coronets and shedding tears; three only are depicted, though the hoofs of the three on the left side of the coffin are indicated; it is 'The Body of the deceased supported by six Irish Bulls'. They wear a duke's, an earl's, and a baron's coronet, and say: "[1] Pullalaloo - Pullalalo - oh.', [2] Oh! - Ogh! - Oh!; [3] Oh Pullalalo - ogh". On the coffin is a coronet with the Prince's feathers flanked by an empty purse and dice and dice-box. Four ragged little girls holding nosegays walk as pall-bearers, two before the coffin and two behind it. They are '(bis) Unfledg'd Noviciates of Sf Giles's or, Charley's delight'. ... They are followed by Mrs. Fitzherbert in long trailing weeds, a rosary and crucifix hanging from her waist. She is 'Chief Mourner - The Princess of W-----s'. ... She clasps her hands despairingly. ... She is followed by Sheridan and Fox, wearing cloaks and carrying hats with mourning-scarves; they are: 'Second Mourners', 'The Rival Jacobites'. ... The next couple are Weltje and a hairdresser, Mails. ... The procession is followed by a nude and very emaciated demon (left), playing the fiddle and capering as he sings, grinning. He is the 'Blue and Buff Train Bearer.' ..."--British Museum online catalogue
Title from item., Printmaker from British Museum catalogue., and Tempoary local subject terms: Bills: withdrawal of the Regency Bill -- Irish Commissioners.
Pubd. April 29th, 1789, by S.W. Fores, N. 3 Piccadilly
Subject (Name):
George III, King of Great Britain, 1738-1820., George IV, King of Great Britain, 1762-1830., Ignatius, of Loyola, Saint, 1491-1556., Hall, Edward, active 1784-1793, Burke, Edmund, 1729-1797, Fitzherbert, Maria Anne, 1756-1837, Sheridan, Richard Brinsley, 1751-1816, Fox, Charles James, 1749-1806, Rosslyn, Alexander Wedderburn, Earl of, 1733-1805, Hastings, Francis Rawdon-Hastings, Marquess of, 1754-1826, Lothian, William John Ker, Marquis of, 1737-1815, and Weltje, Louis, 1745-1810
Subject (Topic):
Devil, Hats, Funeral processions, and Mourning clothing & dress
Three oval designs, two above with a larger one below, illustrating three satirical toasts: Honor and honesty; Love and loyalty; Fitz and good company. In the first, a man sits at a table, in his hand is a cup for rolling dice and on the table some coins and a playing card (the knave of clubs). In the second image (upper right) a man, pen in hand, writes a letter "No. 45 To the ...", on the table a book entitled "Essay on woman". In the image at the bottom, a couple (George IV and Mrs. Fitzherbert) embrace; on the table in front of the pair is a book "Morris's songs."
Title engraved below image. and Sheet trimmed within plate mark.
Published by S.W. Fores, October 20, 1786 at the Caricature Warehouse, No. 3 Piccadilly
Subject (Name):
George IV, King of Great Britain, 1762-1830, Fitzherbert, Maria Anne, 1756-1837, Fox, Charles James, 1749-1806, and Wilkes, John, 1725-1797
Volume 2, after page 340. Memoirs of the life of the Right Honourable Richard Brinsley Sheridan.
Image Count:
Resource Type:
still image
"An altered copy of British Museum Satires No. 10389. The two principal figures are substantially the same, but Mrs. Fitzherbert's expression is less subtle; she looks down at her charge with an exulting smile. The feathers in her hair are set in a fillet inscribed 'Ich Dien', her breasts are almost bare, her drapery is more swirling. Her pouch is inscribed 'Amusements for Young Minds', its contents differ, and her book is a 'Missal'. Above them (left) ls inscribed: 'Angels ever bright and fair" Take, Oh Take me to thy Care,"'. The altar is larger and closer to the ascending figures. In place of the Virgin, the Prince of Wales (half length) stands behind it, looking down at the 'Guardian-Angel'. On the altar, which is inscribed 'Sanctum Sanctorum' is an irradiated chalice. The attendant cherubs are (left) Derby, (?) Grey, Grenville; and (right) Norfolk, Burdett, and Windham. Two cherubs have descended from the circle (right) and look fixedly at close range towards the child; they are Fox and Sheridan. The rays are inscribed: 'Bulls', 'Dispensations', 'Indulgences', 'Luxuries', 'Consecrations', 'Cannonizations', 'Remissions', 'Pardons', 'Beatifications', 'Permissions'. Below the ascending pair, in place of the Pavilion, is the roof of Carlton House."--British Museum online catalogue
Title etched below image., Attributed to Charles Williams in the British Museum catalogue., Altered copy of a print by Gillray, published 22 April 1805 by H. Humphrey. Cf. No. 10389 in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum, v. 8., Text following title: The designer is particularly indebted to Mr. Peters for the hint for this subject., "Folios of caracatures [sic] lent out for the evening"--Beneath imprint., Printseller's stamp in lower right of plate: S.W.F., Four figures identified at bottom of mounting sheet, their names written in ink: Princess Charlotte; Mrs. Fitzherbert; C. Fox; R.B. Sheridan., Window mounted to 51 x 36 cm., and Mounted after page 340 (leaf numbered '163' in pencil) in volume 2 of an extra-illustrated copy of: Moore, T. Memoirs of the life of the Right Honourable Richard Brinsley Sheridan.
Pubd. May 10th, 1805, by S.W. Fores, No. 50 Piccadilly
Subject (Name):
Fitzherbert, Maria Anne, 1756-1837, George IV, King of Great Britain, 1762-1830, Smith-Stanley, Edward, 1752-1834, Grey, Charles Grey, Earl, 1764-1845, Grenville, William Wyndham Grenville, Baron, 1759-1834, Norfolk, Charles Howard, Duke of, 1746-1815, Burdett, Francis, 1770-1844, Windham, William, 1750-1810, Fox, Charles James, 1749-1806, and Sheridan, Richard Brinsley, 1751-1816
"A fantastic representation of the supper at the ball given by the eleven Knights of the Bath installed on 19 May in Westminster Abbey, see BMSat 7318. Full accounts appeared in the newspapers, and the scene depicted appears intended for 'the Prince of Wales, Duke of York, and a select party of their friends' who 'supped privately in the cotillon room'. 'London Chronicle', 27 May 1788. The guests sit on each side of a long narrow table, scantily provided with food, the bench on the near side of the table showing legs and feet in characteristic attitudes. The design, long as it is, shows only a section of the table, the ends not appearing. [Pl. 1.] On the extreme left, on the near side two elderly and ugly ladies lean ingratiatingly towards Major Topham, the seat of whose breeches is decorated with Prince of Wales's feathers. On the opposite side, on the extreme left, is a couple identified as Sir J. Johnstone and lady. He is very unlike the herculean uncouth figure described by Wraxall, 'Memoirs', 1884, iv. 404. Next (opposite Topham) Lord Bathurst takes wine with Lord Stormont who grasps a decanter of French Wine. Burke, seated next Topham, on whom he turns his back, holds out an empty plate towards Hastings on the opposite side of the table who keeps to himself a whole ham; they regard each other with wary suspicion. On Hastings's left sits Mrs. Hastings, also looking warily at Burke. She is decked with jewels and wears a small crowned turban as a head-dress. Next her is a man wearing a ribbon and star, drinking, who is identified as the Marquis of Buckingham (K.G.). Opposite Mrs. Hastings sits a very fat lady talking to a lean man wearing epaulettes. They are identified as Mrs. Hobart [Whom she does not resemble] (actually Miss Jefferies) and Col. Jekyll. Next Jekyll, Lord Sandwich and an ugly (unidentified) man share the same jelly-glass, holding between them the plate on which it stands. On the extreme right, on the farther end of the table, a man of plebeian appearance drinks from a tankard; he is identified as Dr. Parr. The man between him and Buckingham is identified as the Duke of Portland, whom he does not resemble. [Pl. 2.] On the extreme left the Duke of Grafton turns towards the fat Mrs. Hobart (identified as Miss Jefferies). Opposite him a stout man drinking from a jelly-glass has been identified as Lord Nugent (whom he does not resemble). Next him Cornwallis, wearing ear-rings, puts his arm round the shoulder of a lady, identified as Lady Clive, who looks languishingly at him as she takes a (?) peach. Next her is Lord North. Opposite him is a man identified as Sir George Shuckburgh [He is unlike the Shuckburgh of Gillray's 'French Habits' (1798)] who takes his neighbour by the arm offering her a glass of wine; she demurs deprecatingly. On the farther side of the table, with no one seated opposite him, is the Prince of Wales, a fork held to his mouth (as in BMSat 8111), sitting impassively between Lady Archer and Lady Cecilia Johnston, two bedizened harridans, who ogle him, putting their hands on his shoulders. Next Lady Cecilia (right) is Mrs. Fitzherbert, ogling Wilkes, who sits next her, squinting and leering. On the near side of the table is a man in back view wearing a ribbon and (right) Lord Carlisle talking to Lord Heathfield who sits behind a sirloin of beef. Opposite him and on the extreme right is a pretty young lady identified as Miss Bingham. [Pl. 3.] On the extreme left, on the near side of the table, a middle-aged couple, holding knives and forks, turn to each other with animated smiles. Opposite them sits a good-looking young man wearing a ribbon and star (perhaps Lord Mornington). On his left the Duke of Richmond turns with an expression of pained surprise to Lord Rawdon. Opposite this pair two stout men turn to each other, both drinking. The central group of this plate, a pendant to that of the Prince of Wales on pl. 2, is the Duke of York sitting between two pretty young women, his right arm is round the shoulder of one, probably Lady Tyrconnel, the other holds his left arm and shoulder; both look languishingly at him. On the near side of the table are two more couples: Lord Amherst (caricatured) puts an arm round the waist of a lean and ugly old woman wearing the fashionable false 'derrière' in an exaggerated form. On the extreme right Lord Derby, his hand on his breast, drinks wine with the witch-like Lady Mount Edgcumbe. On the farther side of the table are two unidentified men, one of whom drinks from his plate; next him is a pretty young woman. On the extreme right Dundas turns to speak to his left-hand neighbour; he grasps a decanter and glass, spilling his wine. [Pl. 4.] On the farther side of the table Philip Francis turns to speak to Dundas. Opposite him, and on the extreme left, a stout lady, identified as Lady Salisbury (see BMSat 6115), sits in back view, her petticoats enormously inflated behind. She speaks to no one: Pitt, her right hand neighbour, leans behind the back of the Speaker (alternatively identified as Thurlow) to touch glasses with Fox, who smiles amiably, holding a decanter in his right hand. Cornwall bends avidly over his plate; he wears his Speaker's wig, the mace lies across his knees. Four figures sit opposite this group: the ugly Pepper Arden who gazes admiringly at a pretty young woman on his left; she appears displeased at her position between Arden and a fat woman who puts both knife and fork to her mouth. Next the latter is Lord Lansdowne, who seizes affectionately the hand of Lord Sydney who turns towards him with a smile; they drink to each other. Next Fox on the near side of the table a plain and elderly couple drink to each other; both are thin. They are identified as Lady Powlett and Sir H. Powlett. Opposite them, and, like the lady on his left, intent on his plate, is a military officer identified as General Bligh. His neighbour is old and haggard, her hair elaborately dressed. Next her and on the extreme right two men carouse together, both wear stars; one is identified as the Duke of Bedford, the other (right) as the Duke of Norfolk (neither had an order). Opposite, a man wearing a ribbon pours out wine for an elderly and ugly lady who receives the attention with a gesture of satisfaction. They are identified as Sir George and Lady Yonge. He is identical with the ass whose profile is shown on the extreme right in BMSat 7318, who can hardly be Yonge who appears elsewhere in that print."--British Museum online catalogue
Title etched below image., Printmaker from British Museum catalogue., Text in lower right corner of plate 4: All the works of Bunbury, & Gillray, to be had of S.W. Fores, No. 3 Piccadilly., A design on four plates, the prints to be pasted together to form a long strip; the imprint is on plate 1, the title on plate 2 and plate 3, the inscription relating to Bunbury, &c, on plate 4., Framed to 31 x 216 cm., and Several of the figures are identified in different hands below design. For further information, consult library staff.
Publish'd June 4th, 1788, by S.W. Fores, No. 3 Piccadilly
Subject (Name):
Topham, Edward, 1751-1820, Bathurst, Henry Bathurst, Earl, 1714-1794, Mansfield, David Murray, Earl of, 1727-1796, Burke, Edmund, 1729-1797, Hastings, Warren, 1732-1818, Hastings, Anna Maria Apollonia von Chapuset, 1747-1837, Sandwich, John Montagu, Earl of, 1718-1792, Grafton, Augustus Henry Fitzroy, Duke of, 1735-1811, Buckingham, George Nugent Temple Grenville, Marquess of, 1753-1813, Cornwallis, Charles Cornwallis, Marquis, 1738-1805, North, Frederick, Lord, 1732-1792, Archer, Sarah West, Lady, 1741-1801, Johnston, Henrietta Cecilia, Lady, 1727-1817, Fitzherbert, Maria Anne, 1756-1837, Carlisle, Frederick Howard, Earl of, 1748-1825, Richmond and Lennox, Charles Lennox, Duke of, 1735-1806, Hastings, Francis Rawdon-Hastings, Marquess of, 1754-1826, George IV, King of Great Britain, 1762-1830, Frederick Augustus, Prince, Duke of York and Albany, 1763-1827, Amherst, Jeffery Amherst, Baron, 1717-1797, Mount Edgcumbe, Emma Gilbert, Lady, 1729-1807., Smith-Stanley, Edward, 1752-1834, Dundas, Henry, 1742-1811, Francis, Philip, 1740-1818, Cecil, Mary Amelia, Marchioness of Salisbury, 1750-1835., Pitt, William, 1759-1806, Fox, Charles James, 1749-1806, Cornwall, Charles Wolfran, 1735-1789, Alvanley, Richard Pepper Arden, Baron, 1745-1804, Lansdowne, William Petty, Marquis of, 1737-1805, and Sydney, Thomas Townshend, Viscount, 1733-1800
Title from item., Printmaker tentatively identified in British Museum catalogue., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., Temporary local subject terms: Song -- Debts -- Fiddle -- Jesuit -- Captain Morris., Watermark in center of sheet., Mounted on 34 x 48 cm., and Pencilled on recto mount is a names of the subjects depicted in the print as well as a quote: In July 1786 the Prince of Wales was financially embarrassed & applied in vain to his father for aid. He then decided to break up his establishment, set apart a portion of his allowance for his debts & live on the remainder as a private gentleman. Cf. Russell's Memorials of Fox, v. ii, p. 285.
Published for the proprietor, as the act directs, by E. Macklew, opposite the Opera House, Haymarket
Subject (Name):
George IV, King of Great Britain, 1762-1830, Fitzherbert, Maria Anne, 1756-1837, Hanger, George, 1751?-1824, Sheridan, Richard Brinsley, 1751-1816, Burke, Edmund, 1729-1797, Fox, Charles James, 1749-1806, North, Frederick, Lord, 1732-1792, and Weltje, Louis, 1745-1810
"Five heads surround a taper whose flame is the head in profile to the left of George III. The taper rises from the centre of a crown which rests on a tasselled cushion in the foreground. On the left is Sheridan in profile, his face disfigured by drink, puffing angrily; next is Fox facing three-quarter length to the right, with a fierce expression. Next is the Prince of Wales, alarmed and rather fierce; beside him is Mrs. Fitzherbert, wearing breeches round her shoulders, one leg terminating in a garter inscribed 'Honi Soit...' The ribbon of her night-cap is decorated with the Prince's feathers and 'Ich dien'. On the extreme right is Grey, puffing intently, his blast directed at the back of the King's head. All the others puff awry, and the light burns steadily. All the men wear night-caps and shirts open at the neck."--British Museum online catalogue
Title etched below image., Not by Isaac Cruikshank. See British Museum catalogue., Date of imprint from British Museum catalogue., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., Publisher's announcement following imprint: Where may be seen the largest collection of caratures [sic] in the world. Admitnce 1shg., and Mounted to 33 x 37 cm.
Pub. Octr. 3 by S.W. Fores, N. 3 Piccadilly
Subject (Geographic):
Great Britain.
Subject (Name):
George III, King of Great Britain, 1738-1820, George IV, King of Great Britain, 1762-1830, Fitzherbert, Maria Anne, 1756-1837, Fox, Charles James, 1749-1806, Grey, Charles Grey, Earl, 1764-1845, and Sheridan, Richard Brinsley, 1751-1816
Subject (Topic):
France, History, Foreign public opinion, British, Regency, and Sleepwear
"The Prince of Wales lies in bed asleep, clasping a pillow with a rapt expression, his closed eyes directed towards a vision of the Princess Caroline who leans towards him floating on clouds, a radiant beauty with outstretched arms. A winged figure with the torch of Hymen (right) holds up her draperies, while a cupid with bow and arrows flying above the Princess's head holds up the heavy curtains of the four-post bed. On the left, also emerging from clouds, the King and Queen, caricatured, crouch over the Prince's bed. The former, a grotesque figure, holds out a large money-bag inscribed '£150000 Pr Annm'. The Queen holds out a book: 'The Art of getting Pretty Children'. Both have expressions of avid delight. On the left and among clouds persons flee in alarm at the approach of the bride: Fox scattering dice from a dice-box, Sheridan as a bearded Jew wearing a broad-brimmed hat. Above them are three women: the most prominent, Mrs. Fitzherbert, with clasped hands; next (?) Lady Jersey, and between and behind them a young woman wearing a cap (cf. BMSat 8611). Above their heads two tiny jockeys gallop off, indicating that the Prince will give up the turf (cf. BMSat 7918, &c). From the foot of the bed (left), which extends diagonally across the design from right to left, rolls a cask of 'Port' on which an infant Bacchus with the head and clumsy figure of Lord Derby is seated astride; he is about to fall, dropping his glass. On the head of the bed is the Prince's coronet with feathers. Beside it (right) is a chamber-pot in which is a bottle of 'Velno' (see BMSat 7592)."--British Museum online catalogue
Title etched below image., Text below title: "A thousand virtues seem to lackey her, driving far off each thing of sin & guilt." Milton., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., and Temporary local subject terms: Mythology: Hymen's torch -- Bacchus -- Medicine: velno -- Coronets: George IV's coronet -- Emblems: Prince of Wales's feathers -- Cupids -- Bags of money -- Jews -- Furnishings: bed curtains -- Barrels -- Alcohol: port -- Gambling: dice-box.
Pubd. Jany. 24th, 1795, by H. Humphrey, No. 37 New Bond Street
Subject (Name):
George III, King of Great Britain, 1738-1820, George IV, King of Great Britain, 1762-1830, Charlotte, consort of George III, King of Great Britain, 1744-1818, Caroline, Queen, consort of George IV, King of Great Britain, 1768-1821, Fitzherbert, Maria Anne, 1756-1837, Jersey, Frances Villiers, Countess of, 1753-1821, Fox, Charles James, 1749-1806, and Sheridan, Richard Brinsley, 1751-1816
Title from item., Engraver from unverified card catalog record., Figure on the left, seated at a table in background: All I desire of mortal man is for to love whilst he can., Figure on the right seated at a table in background: Well said Robby-- his father will broom stick him., Temporary local subject terms: Pellegrine Treves -- Nobodies -- Mottoes: 'Ich Dien' -- Brooms -- Morganatic marriages -- Pictures amplify subject -- Emblems: 3 ostrich feathers for Prince of Wales -- Lighting: Chandelier -- Cats out of the bag -- Flastaff -- Venus (Mythological character)., Watermark: J Whatman., and In pencil on verso: George T. Stubbs attrib. by J. Riely, 7-9-83.
Publish'd March 21, 1786, by S.W. Fores at the Caracature Warehouse No.3 Piccadilly
Subject (Name):
Fox, Charles James, 1749-1806, George IV, King of Great Britain, 1762-1830, Hanger, George, 1751?-1824, Fitzherbert, Maria Anne, 1756-1837, and Robinson, Mary Darby, 1758-1800