Manuscript on paper containing ascetic and devotional treatises, the Life of St. John Calybita, and Italian poetry in praise of the Virgin
In Latin and Italian., Script: copied by two similar hands: A, writing a rapid Southern Gothica Textualis Libraria, copied ff. 2r-56v and 69r-104v; B, writing a more formal version of the same script, under slight Humanistic influence, copied ff. 57r-68v. The Latin of both scribes is very defective., Red headings and paragraph marks. 2-line red and blue plain initials, with guide letters., The manuscript contains: 1) Ps.-Augustinus Hipponensis, Manuale (preface and chapters 1-24). 2) Pseudo-Augustine, Soliloquia animae ad Deum, large final part of chapter 2. 3) Arnulphus de Boeriis (ca. 1200 (?), Ps.-Bernardus Claraevallensis), Speculum monachorum. 4) Ps.-Bernardus Claraevallensis, Sermo de vita et passione Domini. 5) Vita S. Iohannis Calybitae or Vita S. Iohannis monachi. 6) Flores ex operibus S. Bernardi de dignitate et excellentia beatae virginis Mariae. 7) Bernardus Claraevallensis (Bernard of Clairvaux, 1090-1153), Epistola 111, written in the name of the monk Elias to the latter's parents. 8) Ps.-Bernardus Claraevallensis, Contemplationes de passione Domini secundum septem horas canonicas. 9) Ps.-Bernardus Claraevallensis, Formula honestae vitae. 10) Ps.-Bernardus Claraevallensis, Octo puncta perfectionis assequendae. 11) Ps.-Bernardus Claraevallensis, Varia et brevia documenta pie seu religiose vivendi. 12) Bonaventura OFM (1221-1274), Regula novitiorum, 3. 13) Bonaventura, Regula novitiorum, 4.1-3. 14) Matthaeus de Cracovia (c. 1335-1410; Ps.-Thomas de Aquino, Ps.-Bonaventura; here ascribed to Iohannes de Capistrano OFM, 1386-1456), De modo confitendi et de puritate conscientiae (Speculum munditiae). 15) F. Carboni, Incipitario della lirica italiana dei secoli XIII e XIV, v. 1, Studi e Testi, v. 277 (Vatican City, 1977), 863. 16) Carboni 212. 17) Carboni 96. 18) Religious poems in Venetian dialect. 19) Lamentatio Virginis Mariae ad Crucem, attributed to Philippus de Grevia (Philippus Cancellarius, Philippe de Grève, d. 1236). 20) Zeno Veronensis (d. before 380), Tractatus, 21) Moral sentences and quotations by or ascribed to St. Bernard of Clairvaux. 22) Ps.-Bernardus Claraevallensis, Sermo 12., and Binding: the two covers and the spine are covered with a fragment from a large Italian choirbook in Southern Gothica Textualis Formata; parts of two 4-line red staves with notation in Nota Quadrata and two lines of text are preserved.
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut and New Haven.
Subject (Name):
Mary, Blessed Virgin, Saint
Subject (Topic):
Devotion to., Asceticism, Christian hagiography, Christian poetry, Italian, Devotional literature, Latin (Medieval and modern)., and Manuscripts, Medieval
Manuscript on parchment, composed of five distinct parts. Part I: 1) Vincent of Beauvais, De laudibus seu de gestis Beatae Virginis Mariae. 2) Petrus Comestor, Carmen in laudem beatae Virginis. 3) Vincent of Beauvais, De laudibus seu gestis Iohannis evangeliste. 4) Pictures of St. Barbara and Thomas Aquinas, and a medieval illuminated initial S (England [?], 15th century) pasted to blank pages. Part II: 5) Stephanus Parisiensis (?), unidentified text supporting the theology of Thomas Aquinas. 6) Augustine, De divinatione daemonum. Part III (paper): 7) Albertus Magnus, De sensu communi. 8) Albertus Magnus, De quinque potentiis anime interioribus. Part IV: 9) Fragment of an account of the Passion of Christ. Part V: Index
In Latin., Script: Part I (ff. 1-44): Written by a single scribe in small gothic bookhand, below top line. Part II (ff. 45-58): Written by two scribes, the one for art. 5, the other for art. 6, in small, tight gothic cursive scripts. Part III (ff. 59-64): Written by a single scribe in a small gothic text hand. Part IV (ff. 65-66): Written in round gothic bookhand. Part V (ff. 67-80): Written in a neat gothic bookhand., Part I: Blue initial, 6-line, with parchment designs and red penwork harping patterns on f. 1r. Plain initials, 4- to 3-line alternate red and blue. Headings, underlining, paragraph marks and chapter numbers, some initial strokes, in red. Guide letters for decorator in margins. Parts II and III: Spaces left for decorative initials remain unfilled. Part IV: One initial, 2-line, on f. 65v and remains of another on conjugate stub: red with crudely drawn penwork designs in black and red. Headings, paragraph marks and initial strokes in orange-tinged red. Part V: On ff. 68r-69r every other entry begins with a 1-line plain blue initial; second letter of each entry washed with yellow; citations of Arabic numerals in red. Guide letters for decorator., Folios 65-66, perhaps removed from a binding, are not conjugate: f. 66 is glued to the conjugate stub of f. 65., and Binding: 19th-20th centuries, England. Semi-limp vellum case with a gold-tooled title. Bound by Pierson. On spine: "Miscellanea Theologica. Stephanus Parisiensis. S. Augustinus. Albertus Magnus etc. Mss XIVe S".
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut and New Haven.
Subject (Name):
Jesus Christ, John, the Apostle, Saint., Mary, Blessed Virgin, Saint, Thomas, Aquinas, Saint, 1225?-1274., and Vincent, of Beauvais, -1264.
Subject (Topic):
Passion, Devotion to., Christian hagiography, Illumination of books and manuscripts, Medieval, Manuscripts, Medieval, and Scholasticism
Manuscript on parchment of Arnald, abbot of Bonneval, 1) Tractatus de septem verbis domini in cruce. 2) Libellus de laudibus de B. Mariae virginis
In Latin., Script: Written in a neat late caroline minuscule that is written above the text ruling, not on it., Red initial, 4-line, with red and green arabesque designs on f. 1r; red monochrome initials with simple decorative designs, ff. 2v, 9r, 14r; less elaborate red initials, ff. 18v, 23r, 29v, 47r. Heading in red for art. 1 only. Initials stroked with red., and Binding: 13th-14th centuries (?), France. Original sewing on four tawed skin, slit straps laced from out to inside the boards and wedged at an angle. Pastedowns sewn with book. The upper board is beech, the lower oak. The grooves on the inside of the boards have been burned as well as gouged out. A blue and natural color endband is sewn in a chevron pattern. The primary core is laced into grooves parallel to the edges of the boards but not fastened and the endband is sewn through the cover. Fragment of an unidentified text (France, 1125-ca. 1150) used for front pastedown; portion of a document dated 1225 (?) involving Theobaldus, abp. of Rouen (1221-29) and the Cistercian nunnery of Fontaine-Guerard (Fontes Guerardi) for rear pastedown. Covered in very thick tawed skin, neatly patched and pieced out. The turn-ins are nailed near the corners. There are two strap-and-pin fastenings, the pins on the lower board and the kermes pink, tawed skin strap ending in a catch with a twisted, tawed skin cord and tassel attached, later additions (?). Remains of later title, in ink, on spine.
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut and New Haven.
Subject (Name):
Arnaldus, Abbot of Bonneval, -approximately 1156. and Mary, Blessed Virgin, Saint
Subject (Topic):
Devotion to., Devotional literature, Latin (Medieval and modern), and Manuscripts, Medieval
Manuscript on paper and parchment, heavily illuminated (trimmed), of Devotions to the Blessed Virgin Mary. Written in Cologne/Lower Rhine (Ripuarian language area) for Augustinian use
In German and Latin., Watermarks: similar to Briquet Armoiries 1656., Script: Text written in varying bookhands, most with batarde influence; more formal scripts for some rubrics and portions of text on parchment., Two historiated initials, 12- and 10-line, on parchment bifolios, the letters gold and blue with brown and red penwork, the figures crudely drawn in pen and colored brown, blue and green, against bright red grounds with white highlights; brown and red calligraphic flourishes with red, green, blue and yellow dots extending along upper and side edges of written space. 12-, 10-, and 9-line initials (ff. 13r, 96r, 115r, 179r, 222r, 258r, 322v) gold (or red for ff. 258r, 322v) and blue, filled with brown floral penwork designs with calligraphic flourishes and dots, as above. Floral borders for each 12- through 9-line initial (except ff. 15r and 258r), red, blue, and green flowers with gold dot centers, connected by brown ink stems, arranged in rows or spirals; ff. 13r and 84v with a vase and bird in the margins. Two 9-line initials, ff. 274r and 298r, on parchment bifolios, in a markedly different style, green and blue respectively, with yellow and white highlights, against gold grounds, filled on f. 274r with a large flower, blue and red, on f. 298r with short sections of curling pink and green acanthus. Borders large blue or red flowers with gold dots and centers or short sections of blue and red acanthus on spiraling brown stems with small green teardrop leaves. Numerous 7- through 2-line initials, red and/or blue, with brown penwork and flourishes, as above. I-initials, up to 13-line, red or blue throughout. Some capital W's in text in blue or red. 2-line KL monograms, alternating red and blue. Some portions of the text, including proper names, underlined in red. Notes for rubricator in gutter, perpendicular to text., and Binding: Sixteenth century. Original sewing on four supports attached to wooden boards. Covered in dark brown calf with corner turn-in tongues. Blind-tooled with concentric borders, an X, roses and small flowers in the central panel, roses and rampant lions in the outer borders. Two clasp-and-catch fastenings, the catch on the upper board. Rebacked and the endbands probably added. Straps replaced. Covers lined with fragments of unidentified scientific text, in Latin (15th century).
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut and New Haven.
Subject (Name):
Mary, Blessed Virgin, Saint, Augustinians., and Catholic Church
Subject (Topic):
Devotion to., Illumination of books and manuscripts, Medieval, and Manuscripts, Medieval
Cassiodorus, Senator, approximately 487-approximately 580
Published / Created:
[circa 1250]
Call Number:
Takamiya MS 7
Image Count:
Resource Type:
Manuscript, on parchment, in two scribal hands, containing the text of this commentary on the Song of Solomon by Cassiodorus (fols. 1-26). This is followed by unidentified commentaries on the same text (fols. 26-64). The volume concludes with a copy of the Biblia Beatae Virginis (fols. 64-96).
In Latin., Commentary by Cassiodorus attributed to Bede in incipit (fol. 1r)., Erased ownership inscription: "Liber monastery Sc Marie ... Ste. ... wiknne.", Bookplate of Portsmouth Cathedral on front pastedown, with deaccession stamp dated 1941., Layout: double columns of 38 lines., Script: gothic script., Decoration: rubricated., and Binding: medieval binding, pink doeskin over wooden boards; remains of metal clasps on lower board.
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut and New Haven.
Subject (Name):
Cassiodorus, Senator, approximately 487-approximately 580. and Mary, Blessed Virgin, Saint
"Alejo Santa Maria con un afecto preciso os convida en este dia en union de Pedro Enciso á dar gracias á Maria.", "Vuestra persona concurra a pedir paz y union que la revolucion del Anglo-Americano sea libre el Pueblo cristiano por Maria y su intercesion.", In verse., and Printed identically on both sides of sheet. Printing inverted on verso.
Manuscript volume, in the hand of an unidentified nun at the monastery of Scala Coeli in Genoa, containing copies of Italian translations from the Revelationes, Sermo Angelicus, and other texts from the Liber Caelestis of Saint Bridget. On the colophon, the scribe identifies herself as a professed nun of the Order of Saint Bridget, and states that the work was completed on July 26, 1626. The manuscript also includes circa 27 contemporary devotional engravings placed throughout the text, many with identifiable artists and publishers from Italy, France, the Netherlands, and elsewhere. The engravings depict Christian figures, including the Blessed Virgin Mary, Jesus Christ, John the Baptist, the archangel Michael, and various saints; and scenes from the New Testament, including from the lives of the Blessed Virgin Mary and Jesus Christ
Bridget of Sweden (approximately 1303-1373) was a mystic and saint. She experienced visions beginning in childhood, the records of which were gathered and translated into Latin. They are collectively known as the Revelationes and Liber Caelestis., The Birgittine convent known as Scala Coeli was founded in Genoa, Italy, circa 1406. Nuns at the convent translated the writings of Saint Bridget into Italian., In Italian; colophon in Latin., Title from first leaf., Includes table of contents on six leaves at end., Colophon, leaf 317r., and Binding: Contemporary red leather over wooden boards; front and back covers have blind tooled rules and rolls, with a central figure of a female saint and the letters "M S B G" tooled in gold; spine with raised bands and a blind tooled flower in each compartment; front edge originally had two leather straps with brass clasps, and is now lacking one strap and clasp. Later (19th century?) paper spine label with manuscript inscription: "[illegible] S. Brigid. Cavate dei libri delle sue rivela[tion]. Opera di una monaca della ordine stisso[?] per comodite delle Sorelle 1626".
Subject (Geographic):
Italy., Italy, and Sweden
Subject (Name):
Bridget, of Sweden, Saint, approximately 1303-1373., Bridget, of Sweden, Saint, approximately 1303-1373, Jesus Christ, John, the Baptist, Saint, Mary, Blessed Virgin, Saint, and Michael (Archangel)
Subject (Topic):
Devotion to, Devotion, Nuns, Saints, and Religious life and customs
Manuscript on paper (watermarks obscured by binding and trimming) of prayers and hymns to the Virgin Mary
In Italian and Latin., Script: Written by one scribe in round gothic bookhand., Four poorly executed initials in gold and colors on ff. 1r, 2r (two), and 4r; the last accompanied by green and gold dots. Red initial strokes; rubrics throughout., and Binding: single quire tacketed to a piece of folded vellum.
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut and New Haven.
Subject (Name):
Mary, Blessed Virgin, Saint and Catholic Church
Subject (Topic):
Devotion to., Hymns, Italian, Illumination of books and manuscripts, Medieval, and Manuscripts, Medieval
Title supplied by curator., Date derived from printmaker's date of death., Place of publication from item., and This electronic record is derived from historic data and may not reflect our current information. Review and updating of records is ongoing.
Pieter Schenk
Subject (Name):
Mary, Blessed Virgin, Saint and Elizabeth (Mother of John the Baptist), Saint.
Subject (Topic):
Visitation, Pregnant women, Pregnancy, and Visiting