Yale University School of Nursing, Class of 1936. First row: C. O'Brien, C. McLaughlin, E. Gray, R. Garrod, M. Edwards, O. Sowizdral, A. Edwards, M. Crane, S. Kozak, E. Kemper. Second row: H. Thornburg, E. Rich, Y. Yonick, R. Dean, B. Thomen, N. Weiss, E. Sanborn, M. Allara, N. S. Iglehart, N.M. Iglehart. Third row: M. Jayne, E. Ralph, C. Hawkins, E. Barry, E. Behan, M. Brooks, K. Thornton, E. Wetmore, A. Wertz, D. Yoho. Fourth row: M. Birchard, D. Updegraff, J. Harshberger, V. Loupret, M. Lesher, F. Fleisher, A. Longshore, V. Whittier, M. Beaghler.
Subject (Geographic):
United States
Subject (Name):
Yale University. School of Medicine. and Yale University. School of Nursing.
Yale University School of Nursing, Class of 1937. Members of class: Katherine Brown Allen, Catherine Bastress, Lucy Grier Carrington, Virginia Case, Winifred Virginia Cushing, Mona Jerusha Cutler, Ovidia Theresie Evensen, Eleanor Talcott Fisher, Rosemary Forbes, Marion Stickney Goodrich, Elizabeth Robb Graham, Alberta Harriet Hays, Mary Luise Henry, Esther Mary Hirst, Josephine Shaner Hogan, Jane Holden, Celeste Carver Holloway, Helen Johnson, Ruth Frances Kozak, Elizabeth Calhoun Logan, Mary Louise Maloy, Janet Warren Manley, Mary Annie Laurie Marshall, Eleanor Louise Morrill, Marjorie Morse, Helen Elizabeth Mosher, Harriet Lillian Northrop, Ruth Patterson Ogden, Elizabeth Josephine Penn, Annetta Pendergast Reed, Elizabeth Northwood Robb, Emma Lois Shaffer, Katherine Frances Simpson, Mary Ruth Snyder, Mary Agnes Sullivan, Mary Elizabeth Thompson, Cathrine Ann Thorn, Anna Alila Tuthill, Isabel Weber, Louise Frida Zellner.
Subject (Geographic):
United States
Subject (Name):
Yale University. School of Medicine. and Yale University. School of Nursing.
Yale University School of Nursing, Class of 1939. Members of class: Estelle Florence Abrams, Esther Cooley Anderson, Kathleen Mary Barrett, Barbara Bastow, Alice Constance Blinn, Miriam Mathilda Blomquist, Irene Bowman, Anne Bruchal, Ruth Erskine Curtis, Louise Darby Danforth, Bessie Dariotis, Marion Draper, Ruth Bartlett Groves, Helen Elizabeth Hallfors, Florence Janet Hankins, Madoline Hartwell, Elizabeth Hollander, Kathleen Adelle Hughes, Marion Dorsey Iglehart, Lorraine Margaret Jorgensen, Katharine Ketcham, Frances Ellen Kingsley, Eleanor Ann Knight, Gertrude Dorothea Knott, Sylvia Bernice Levitt, Sarah Catherine MacDonald, Katherine Elizabeth Matthews, Janet Elizabeth Morton, Laura Elisabeth Oster, Jessie Elizabeth Parkinson, Marjorie Elvira Peck, Eleanor Louise Phillips, Louisa Thebaud Glover Popham, Lucile Lyon Pratt, Eleanor Shepard Roberts, Barbara Russell, Lois Mead Ryman, Abigail Adams Scott, Mary Nash Squier, Ruth Kimball Suttie, Elizabeth Jane Sweet, Frances Van Loan, Eleanor Bliss Ward, Frances Crandall Wheelock, Jane Wilcox, Eleanor Casner Wisser, Marian Wayman Young.
Subject (Geographic):
United States
Subject (Name):
Yale University. School of Medicine. and Yale University. School of Nursing.
Yale University School of Nursing, Class of 1940. Members of class: Marion Sage Adams, Jean Margaret Aiken, Nelliana Best, Ellen Pugh Boyd, Ida Reynolds Bumstead, Helen Joan Butler, Eleanor Meredith Carver, Nancy Jane Cole, Mary Elizabeth Conly, Charlotte Elizabeth Crabtree, Sarah Ann Davis, Helen Ellis, Elizabeth Muriel Evans, Margaret Genevieve Faeh, Emma Jane Foster, Marjorie Betsy Frick, Jeanette Alexandra Friedman, Shirley Ethel Gall, Ethel Bowen Goforth, Elizabeth Blanchard Hager, Rachel Stearns Halls, Marion Lavina Henry, Margaret Louise Hitchcock, Elizabeth Webster Hixon, Marion Louise Holloway, Dorothy Elizabeth Hubbard, Margaret Hulburt, Evelyn Langmuir, Emeline K. Leinbach, Ruth Whitman Martin, Grace Janet Matthews, Rose Ann Miller, Dorothy Charlotte Monsees, Margaret Neilson, Betty Nylen, Delora Armstrong Pitman, Carol Marguerite Reynolds, Gertrude Roberts, Alice Stephanie Rushmore, Ana Carolyn Scholl, Elouise Virginia Shawkey, Mary Alma Sjobeck, Mary Bowman Smith, Mary Phoebus Stansel, Nancy Victoria Stone, Eleanor Fordham Voorhies, Georgia Chorpening Wade, Aileen Waffensmith, Kathryn Quiby Walker, Agnes Thornberry West, Mary Wheeler, Edith Lillian Whitmore, Edna Elizabeth-Ann Zane.
Subject (Geographic):
United States
Subject (Name):
Yale University. School of Medicine. and Yale University. School of Nursing.
Yale University School of Nursing, Class of 1941. Members of class: Ruth Glueck Addison, Grace Behrents Anderson, Anne Oliver Bassage, Margaret Haseltine Berger, A. Marcella Brown, Natale Linton Brown, Marjorie Howe Buttolph, Emma Senty Capoot, Harriet Dana Carroll, Marguerite Winn Currie, Sara Harwood Debivort, Ethel Stomel Dominguez, Charlotte Mulchay Duncan, Carol Reynolds Dunham, Hertha Eisenmenger Flack Monroe, Mary Elizabeth Peoples Frey, Wanda R. Galantowicz, Carolyn Dupont Gibbons, Margaret M. Gibson, Martha Dudley Gilbert, Gertrude Murphy Gould, Ethel Hansen Grass, Phyllis Craig Graves, Ruth Cervin Greenqway, Katharine Severence Hart, Virginia Howe Hay, Elsie Russel Hodges, Elinor Ann Affinito Ingelido, Jean Aiken Jackson, Jeanne Kaplan, Caroline Keller, Bessie Morehouse Kellogg, Barbara M. Landauer, Doris Campbell Lynch, Katherine Buckley Nuckolls, Elizabeth Sloan O'Neill, Hope Pitou, Elizabeth Kurtz Puzak, Olwen Williams Roberts, Stephanie Rushmore Routh, Madeline Chavkin Schwaid, Mary Downing Sichel, Althea Isabel Davis Stadler, Helen Southon Taffel, Alice Ross Tidd, Florence Schorske Wald, Charlotte Corning Wright, Betty Ricklefs Zwicker.
Subject (Geographic):
United States
Subject (Name):
Yale University. School of Medicine. and Yale University. School of Nursing.
Yale University School of Nursing—Class of 1942. Members of class: Lucile Soule Arnon, Rhea Yalowich Bardin, Arne Bulkely Beltz, Frances B. Brezina, Phyllis Kenyon Brown, Carol Bowman Coven, Betty Jackson Criscuolo, Elizabeth Bavis Decker, Janet Lewis Dickson, June Smith Dotterweich, Marian Davis Dubrule, Rachel Bechdel Glike, Mildred Lingard Goddard, Betty Fehsenfeld Gray, Barbara Anderson Guptil, Doris Kean Hallwhich, Elizabeth VanHorn Hallwhich, Margaret Danforth Kaminsky, Marjorie Mortimer Kenney, Mary Beale Kengon, Delilah E. Kistler, Kathryn Schroth Koozer, Elizabeth Wright Maines, Elizabeth Harrington Martinsen, Kate Rogers McCarthy, Eula McEachern McDowell, Elizabeth Chambers Moore, Nina Purington Newhart, Natalie Packer Opdycke, Nancy Hooker Peters, Antoinette Smith Peterson, Delia Marshall Pitkin, Muriel Baillie Pluim, Elaine Morrison Porter, Margaret M. Probst, Claire Leonard Sandersen, Margaret Moss Schoenknecht, Lois Brown Stokes, Ruth Uhler Thomas, Janet S. Walker, LaVera Nakvinda Williams, Jean Goodrich Williamson, Aleena Eisnor Young, Olga Louis Zagraniski.
Subject (Geographic):
United States
Subject (Name):
Yale University. School of Medicine. and Yale University. School of Nursing.
Yale University School of Nursing, Class of 1944. Members of class: Elizbeth R. Albertson, Ann Robinson Aronson, Evelyn Stewart Barnes, Dorothy Birdzell, Anne Tilghman Boyce, Ann P. Bradley, Mary Lord Cassell, Frances Ford Cooke, Jean Holzworth Cornwell, Betty Ann Kosters Countryman, Shirley Stewart Dean, Lucille Grafton Denman, Margery Skinner Deschweinitz, Ruth M. Elliot, Selma Droznin Falloon, Helen Donareff Feldberg, Margaret M. Field, Eleuthera Miller Fraser, Jane Owen Hayden Frelick, Beatrice Lerner Gelbaum, Mary Hurlin Glen, Lois Weinstein Goodman, Margaret S. Gudzin, Mary Jamison Gustafson, Marcia Creecy Haberlin, Alice Hillman Heck, Eleanore Weame Holderman, Emily Wright Ilgen, Lois Gladager Irwin, Mary-Jean Sealey Janssen, Beatrice Wener Jensen, Rita Almas Johnson, Pauline J. Keefe, Mary Montague Kelly, Janet Caldwell Klos, Dorothy Weaver Krogslund, Pauline V. Kummer, Lola M. Laffay, Mildred VonDerSump Lawler, Clare Donahue Libby, Naida MacInnes, Alison Stokes MacLean, Roslynne Govendy Markley, Edith Kenefick McGeehan, Patricia Preisker McLanahan, Marion Hall Merante, Susette L. Meyer, Mary Heft Miles, Myrtle Hundstad Mortimer, Doris Connor Oremus, Saiosie Hibbard Pratt, Sally Hitchcock Pullman, Doris Menken Robertson, Barbara Gary Ross, Carolyn Clasen Rudd, Theresa Lynn Siegel, Janis Jund Smith, Elizabeth Sprague, Britta Jamse Stamy, Anne Gladding Stern, Jane Payson Stevens, Shirley Keeler Munson Stiles, Janice Maltby Thelen, Constance Bancroft Thomas, Gwendolyn Weymouth Wilhelmson, Marion Fritz Winchester, Maxine Askey Wolston, Kathleen Clare Yeaple.
Subject (Geographic):
United States
Subject (Name):
Yale University. School of Medicine. and Yale University. School of Nursing.