"Death (left) poises his javelin, about to strike an old man in bed, reading a book by the light of a candle held in his left hand. The room is heaped with his treasures (armour, &c.). Rats scamper, chased by a cat."--British Museum online catalogue
Title from description of a later state in the British Museum catalogue; the assigned title for each plate from The English dance of death is the heading to the opposite printed page., Early (proof?) state, before aquatint added. For a later state, see no. 12412 in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires, v. 9., Publisher and date of publication from imprint on later state: London, Pub. 1 April 1814, at R. Ackermann's, 101 Strand., Sheet trimmed within plate mark, with possible loss of text below image., Later state issued in: Combe, W. The English dance of death. London : Published at R. Ackermann's Repository of Arts ..., 1815-1816., This record is derived from historic data and may not reflect our current information. Review and updating of records is ongoing., Cf. Grego, J. Rowlandson the caricaturist, v. 2, page 320., Temporary local Medical Library subject terms: Skeleton as Death., and Ink verse notation on verso, perhaps in Rowlandson's hand; additional pencil notation on verso.
publisher not identified
Subject (Name):
Combe, William, 1742-1823.
Subject (Topic):
Death (Personification), Wills, Skeletons, Spears, Beds, Sleeping, Cats, Rats, Armor, Musical instruments, Books, Candles, Artists' materials, Urns, and Sculpture
Toms, W. H. (William Henry), approximately 1700-1765, printmaker
Published / Created:
[circa 1730-1745]
Call Number:
Image Count:
Resource Type:
still image
Title supplied by curator., Date and place of publication from British Museum website., Description from British Museum: A satire [of] political ignorance set in a country barber-surgeon's shop in which the people have been given the heads of animals. At centre left, an old woman with the head of a cat, is being bled by a man with the head of an elephant whose hand is on her left breast, a monkey-headed boy holds a basin to catch the blood spurting from her arm. Behind them a man, with a boar's head wearing a work-apron reads from the Grub Street Journal to a man with the head of an ass and a bell round his neck. In the centre a cat-man sitting on a barrel holding a shaving dish has his whiskers trimmed by a barber with an ape's head on top of which is a flamboyant hat with long feathers. An ape-man behind waits his turn, and a man with two wooden legs and a crutch leaves through an open door. Overhead on the left is a projecting sign from which hangs a board showing an owl beneath which is written "Shave & Bleed for A Peny". Stuffed creatures hang from the ceiling: a grotesque fish, an eel with gaping moth, and an ape. The wall at the rear has been chalked with tallies and three wigs hang from it. A table in the foreground on the right has pulled teeth and various barbers' instruments on it. A hat with a large feather lies on the ground., This electronic record is derived from historic data and may not reflect our current information. Review and updating of records is ongoing., and Temporary local Medical Library subject terms: Barber surgery & surgeons; Barber shops, interior.
publisher not identified
Subject (Topic):
Great Britain, Politics and government, Phlebotomy, Barbers, Barbershops, Peg legs, Shaving, Wigs, Donkeys, Swine, Monkeys, Cats, Surgical instruments, Crutches, and Elephants
Title and date supplied by curator., Verse below image., and This electronic record is derived from historic data and may not reflect our current information. Review and updating of records is ongoing.
publisher not identified
Subject (Topic):
Great Britain, Politics and government, Phlebotomy, Barbers, Barbershops, Peg legs, Shaving, Wigs, Donkeys, Swine, Monkeys, Cats, Elephants, Teeth, and Newspapers
"An untidy garret with a man in a dressing-gown working on a poem entitled 'Poverty' while his wife is confronted by a milkmaid with a lengthy tally who demands payment; a baby in bed is crying; a dog eats meat from a plate on a chair; behind the poet's head is a satirical print showing Alexander Pope thrashing the book-seller Edmund Curll who had published pirate editions of his work."--British Museum online catalogue
Alternative Title:
Studious he sate, with all his books around
Title from Paulson., Two columns each with two lines of verse engraved below image: Studious he sate, with all his books around, Sinking from thought to thought, a vast profund! Plung'd for his sense, but found no bottom there; Then writ, and flounder'd on, in more despair. Dunciad Book I, line III., Copy of: Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires, v. 3, no. 2309., and Copy of: Paulson, R. Hogarth's graphic works (3rd ed.), no. 145.
Published Octr. 1st, 1797 by G.G. & J. Robinson, Paternoster Row, London
IIn an alcove on the right in an untidy garret, a man in a dressing-gown scratches his head as he writes on a sheet with the title "Poverty, a Poem". In the center of the image his wife is seated as she mends a pair of breeches; at her feet a cat and her kittens are curled up on the man's coat. Under the sleeve of the coat on the floor is an issue of "Grubstreet Journall." She looks to the door on the left where she is confronted by a milkmaid who holds a lengthy tally; the daisies in her bonnet suggest Michaelmas day when bills are due; she also is shown with a yoke across her back. Just inside the doorway a dog snatches the single pork chop from a plate on a chair; the cupboard above the door stands open to show empty shelves. Behind the poet's head is a satirical print showing Alexander Pope thrashing the book-seller Edmund Curll who had published pirated editions of his letters."
Title and state from Paulson., "Price 3 shillings"--Following imprint., Verse etched below image: Studious he sate, with all his books around, Sinking from thought to thought, a vast profound! Plung'd for his sense, but found no bottom there; Then writ, and flounder'd on, in more despair. Dunciad Book I, line III., and Sheet trimmed within plate mark.
IIn an alcove on the right in an untidy garret, a man in a dressing-gown scratches his head as he writes on a sheet with the title "Poverty, a Poem". In the center of the image his wife is seated as she mends a pair of breeches; at her feet a cat and her kittens are curled up on the man's coat. Under the sleeve of the coat on the floor is an issue of "Grubstreet Journall." She looks to the door on the left where she is confronted by a milkmaid who holds a lengthy tally; the daisies in her bonnet suggest Michaelmas day when bills are due; she also is shown with a yoke across her back. Just inside the doorway a dog snatches the single pork chop from a plate on a chair; the cupboard above the door stands open to show empty shelves. Behind the poet's head is a satirical print showing Alexander Pope thrashing the book-seller Edmund Curll who had published pirated editions of his letters."
Title and state from Paulson., "Price 3 shillings"--Following imprint., Verse etched below image: Studious he sate, with all his books around, Sinking from thought to thought, a vast profound! Plung'd for his sense, but found no bottom there; Then writ, and flounder'd on, in more despair. Dunciad Book I, line III., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., Ms. pencil note in Steevens hand: See Nichols's Book, 3d edit, 235. Repaired losses to corners., and On page 79 in volume 1. Trimmed to: 350 x 397 mm.
A scene in London, possibly near St. Martin's-in-the-Fields, shows a musician at an open window holding his ears against the noise of the street; a pregnant ballad-seller chants while her baby cries and a parrot above her head on the lamp post squawks; a milkmaid and other street-traders cry their wares; one small boy plays a drum while another urinates under the startled gaze of a small girl who holds a rattle and stands by a house made of toy blocks; an itinerant oboist plays; a dustman carries his basket and a bell; a knife-grinder sharpens a cleaver, a dog barking at his feet; on the roof at the right two cats fight (both shown with arched backs) just beyond the chimney from which a chimney sweep emerges. A sign to the left of the musician's window advertises The Beggar's Opera. A sign on the building to the right reads "John Long Pewterer." In this state the horse on the extreme right is black (white in the earlier state), the boy's slate trailing on the ground was only half shaded in the earlier state, but is now darkened
Title from published state of the print., Ink trasing of the trial proof of: The enraged musician., Inscribed in pencil by the artist above drawing: A sketch from Mr. Crickett's Impression (formerly Mr. Ingham Foster's.) See John Ireland's Hogarth Illustrated, p. 342. & Mr. Nichols's Book, 3d edit, page 257., Tracing of: Paulson, R. Hogarth's graphic works (3rd ed.), no. 152., and On page 101 in volume 2.
Subject (Topic):
Blocks (Toys), Cats, Children, City & town life, Chimney sweeps, Dogs, Musical instruments, Musicians, Noises, Occupations, Parrots, Street vendors, and Urination
A scene in London, possibly near St. Martin's-in-the-Fields, shows a musician at an open window holding his ears against the noise of the street; a pregnant ballad-seller chants while her baby cries and a parrot above her head on the lamp post squawks; a milkmaid and other street-traders cry their wares; one small boy plays a drum while another urinates under the startled gaze of a small girl who holds a rattle and stands by a house made of toy blocks; an itinerant oboist plays; a dustman carries his basket and a bell; a knife-grinder sharpens a cleaver, a dog barking at his feet; on the roof at the right two cats fight (both shown with arched backs) just beyond the chimney from which a chimney sweep emerges
Title based on published original., Date based on Dent's years of activity., Sheet trimmed to plate mark., Not in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires., Copy of: Paulson, R. Hogarth's graphic works (3rd ed.), no. 152, Ms. note in pencil in Steevens's hand above print: Specimen of Trusler's book., and On page 103 in volume 2.
publisher not identified
Subject (Topic):
Blocks (Toys), Cats, Children, City & town life, Chimney sweeps, Dogs, Musical instruments, Musicians, Noises, Occupations, Parrots, Street vendors, and Urination
"The corner of a house seen from a walled garden. Death throws down a ladder which gave access to a window from which a distraught girl looks out; her lover, a young lieutenant, falls from it towards a pond, while an elderly colonel, the father, fires a blunderbuss towards cats on the wall, the charge being intercepted by the falling man. A prancing dog barks."--British Museum catalogue
Alternative Title:
Assailant does not feel a wound; but yet he dies, for he is drown'd
Title from British Museum catalogue, taken from the heading to the printed page opposite the plate in The English dance of death., Couplet etched below image: The assailant does not feel a wound; but yet he dies, for he is drown'd., Attributed to Rowlandson in the British Museum catalogue., Sheet trimmed within plate mark with loss of imprint from top margin and verses from bottom margin. Missing text supplied from impression in the British Museum., Plate from: Combe, W. The English dance of death. London : Published at R. Ackermann's Repository of Arts ..., 1815-1816, v. 2, opposite page 241., and Temporary local Medical Library subject terms: Skeleton as Death.
Pub. Jany. 1 - 1816, at R. Ackermann's, 101 Strand
Subject (Name):
Combe, William, 1742-1823.
Subject (Topic):
Death (Personification), Accidents, Courtship, Military officers, British, Gardens, Garden walls, Skeletons, Ladders, Falling, Firearms, Dogs, Cats, and Lakes & ponds
Title and date of publication supplied by cataloger., Not in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires., Mounted on leaf 72. Copy trimmed., and Bound in three-quarters red morocco leather with marbled boards, with spine title stamped in gold: Old English ballads, woodcuts, vol. 2.
publisher not identified
Subject (Topic):
Pipes (Smoking), Smoking, Drinking vessels, and Cats