"Gilpin gallops (right to left) past the 'Bell' at Edmonton. His wife leans from the balcony over the door. With her are three children and a woman holding an infant. Two horsemen are in pursuit, one holds up Gilpin's wig. A spaniel barks. The inn appears to be drawn with some topographical correctness. A sign bestrides the road (right) with the words 'The Old Bell \ An Ordinar[y] \ Late Lan' and, below the bell, 'J. King from'. Another sign is on the front of the house."--British Museum online catalogue
Alternative Title:
John Gilpin's return from war
Title from caption below image., Verse in three columns below title begins: "Away went Gilpin, and away went Gilpin's hat and wig; He lost them sooner than at first for why? They were too big ...", Numbered "558" in lower left corner., Sheet trimmed to plate mark., No. 31 in a bound in a collection of 69 prints with a manuscript title page: A collection of drolleries., and Bound in half red morocco with marbled paper boards and spine title "Facetious" in gold lettering.
Printed for & sold by Carrington Bowles, No. 69 St. Paul's Church Yard, London
Subject (Topic):
Chasing, Dogs, Families, Horseback riding, Horses, and Taverns (Inns)
Leaf 15. Poems, explaining the seven cartons painted by Raphael Urbin.
Image Count:
Resource Type:
still image
"Gilpin gallops (right to left), the Youth on a horse with blinkers has passed him and is about to seize his rein. Behind gallop five other pursuers. In the background are two detached houses."--British Museum catalogue
Alternative Title:
The youth did ride, and soon they met; he tried to stop John's horse ...
Title etched above image., Four lines of verse below image: The youth did ride, and soon they met; he tried to stop John's horse by seizing fast the flowing rein, but only made things worse., Sixth plate in a series of six, each with a plate number in the upper right and verses at bottom. All plates have the same publication line and date; plate 1 has the longer title "Six prints, from the renowned History of John Gilpin" as well as "Book 110" etched in upper left corner. See British Museum catalgoue., Plate numbered "6" in upper right corner., and Bound in as leaf 15 in an extra-illustrated copy of: Fowler, J. Poems, explaining the seven cartons painted by Raphael Urbin. [London?], [1707?].
Printed for & sold by Carington Bowles, No. 69 in St. Pauls Church Yard, London
"Lady Conyngham chases Eldon from the royal precincts; she threatens him with the sceptre and a clenched fist, saying, Je le veut [sic]. She is décolletée, much bejewelled, and displays an elephantine leg and tiny foot. Close behind her stands Knighton, a pen behind his ear, his arm raised; he has just flung a massive gold inkpot decorated with the Royal Arms; ink falls on Eldon's head. He says: take that, & that, & that, le Roy le veut. 'Roy' is scored through. Canning stands behind impassively, hand on hip, holding up a cross, and saying In hoc Signo vinces [Constantine's miraculous vision: cf. British Museum Satires No. 15385]. The building behind is ornate and Gothic, more elaborate than the actual Cottage. The King's head (out of scale with the building) is framed in a small casement window; with an equivocal expression he looks towards Eldon, saying, Necessitas non habet leges. Eldon has dropped the Mace and the Purse of the Great Seal; he says: Had I served my God with half the Zeal I have served my King, he would not have suffered me to be turned out for supporting his Cause."--British Museum online catalogue
Title etched below image., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., and Small hole in Knighton's arm.
Pubd. April 21, 1827, by S.W. Fores, 41 Piccadilly, London
Subject (Name):
Conyngham, Elizabeth Conyngham, Marchioness, -1861, Eldon, John Scott, Earl of, 1751-1838, Knighton, William, Sir, 1776-1836, Canning, George, 1770-1827, and George IV, King of Great Britain, 1762-1830
Volume 4, opposite page 93. Anecdotes of painting in England.
Image Count:
Resource Type:
still image
Syrinx, naked apart from a loosely draped sheet, hides among the reeds in the foreground on the left; she holds a clump of reeds in front of her face, concealing it. Pan, behind her on the right, lunges forward through the reeds in pursuit
Alternative Title:
Pan and Syrinx
Title engraved below image., Plate was likely engraved by Lens in addition to being published by him; according to the British Museum online catalogue, plates that carry only his 'excudit' seem also to have been made by him. See entry for 'Bernard Lens II'., Date of publication based on Bernard Lens's death date., Sheet trimmed to plate mark., Mounted to 24 x 19 cm., and Bound in opposite page 93 in volume 4 of Thomas Kirgate's extra-illustrated copy of: Walpole, H. Anecdotes of painting in England. Printed by Thomas Kirgate at Strawberry-Hill, 1765-1771 [i.e. 1780].
Bernard Lens
Subject (Name):
Pan (Greek deity),
Subject (Topic):
Syrinx (Greek deity), Supernatural beings, Chasing, and Reeds (Plants)
Date from ESTC., Verse - "Come you gallants all, to you I call,". - In four columns with the title and three woodcuts above the first two; the columns are not separated by rules., Mounted on leaf 36. Copy trimmed., and Bound in three-quarters red morocco leather with marbled boards, with spine title stamped in gold: Old English ballads, woodcuts, vol. 2.
An enraged elephant with Lord North's face runs along Leadenhall Street chased by a group of opponents of the India Bill. They are led by the King who prods the elephant's hind leg with a spiked stick. The unseated Fox, falling head downwards, is about to hit the "East India Bill" which lies on the pavement, on which a dog is urinating. On the left, Burke, having dropped the elephant's rope and trumpet, runs away tripping over a large bundle, "Plans of Oeconomy." In the background, Pitt shores up the facade of the India House with a large beam
Title etched below image. and A sequel to British Museum satire no. 6276, and an imitation of that print by another artist.
Published as the Act directs, 24 Decr. 1783 by D. Brown
Subject (Geographic):
Great Britain
Subject (Name):
George III, King of Great Britain, 1738-1820., Fox, Charles James, 1749-1806., Burke, Edmund, 1729-1797., North, Frederick, Lord, 1732-1792., Thurlow, Edward Thurlow, Baron, 1731-1806., Melville, Henry Dundas, Viscount, 1742-1811., Lansdowne, William Petty, Marquis of, 1737-1805., Richmond and Lennox, Charles Lennox, Duke of, 1735-1806., and East India Company.
Subject (Topic):
Politics and government, Elephants, Trumpets, and Chasing
"The Duc d'Orleans (left) chases the Prince of Wales with a whip. Both wear riding-dress with top-boots. Behind them is a pond from which emerge the legs of a man who is submerged from the waist. They are on a path leading to a pavilion (right), the door of which is inscribed 'The Coffee Room'. Men stand at the door watching the scene, others look from a balcony. Behind Orleans, on the extreme left, are the profile and arms of a Frenchman, who says, "ah ha de French Man make de English run". Beneath the title is etched: 'L'abbé frere du Duc d'Orleans etant a Newmarket dans un jardin près dun bassin fit la Gageure avec S.A.R.P.G. [Prince de Galles] de chatouiller un poisson avec le doigt jusqu'à cequ'il Selaissât prendre; la gageure ayaunt ete acceptée & l'Abbé S etant mis Sur Ses genoux it [sic] commencant a agacer le poisson, lors que S.A.R. lepoussa dans la bassin. Le Duc d'Orleans qui etait present poursuit it avec Son fouet S.A.R. qui Serifugia dans un Caffe, ou le Ducs de Queensbury & Grafton & Bedford les reccomoderent, tandis que le pauvre Abbé fut conduit ches lui pour changer d'habits.'"--British Museum online catalogue
Alternative Title:
New-market race and Newmarket race
Title etched below image. and Publication date in imprint may read "July 3".
Pub. July 11, 1788, by S.W. Fores, No. 3 Picadilly
Subject (Name):
George IV, King of Great Britain, 1762-1830 and Orléans, Louis Philippe Joseph, duc d', 1747-1793
"Heading to a printed broadside. An enormous leech with the head and wig of Sir John Leach (see British Museum Satires No. 13740) advances menacingly upon three little men (right) who flee. Three others (left) register disgust, holding their noses. They say: "Tom T--dman's cart is nothing to compare to it; It stinks worse than a Pole-cat; D--n it what a Stench." A woman staggers backwards, saying: "Bring me a Smelling Bottle or I shall Die." One man lies on the ground fainting or dead. The leech is backed by clouds of smoke. Below the title: "The common damn'd shun its society, and think themselves fiends less foul." The text describes 'the Great Black Leech lately discovered at Milan . . .' procured 'at a great expense, at the special instance of the State "Doctor" [Sidmouth], . . . for 'the performance of an operation to relieve the Great Man's complaint' (a troubled mind). It was abortive and he is 'worse than ever'. Attempts to check its 'vicious propensities' were vain 'until Dr. Hone skilfully applied some "printer's ink" to it'."--British Museum online catalogue
Title etched below image., Date of publication from the British Museum catalogue., 1 print : etching with roulette ; plate mark 10.2 x 18 cm, on sheet 12.1 x 19 cm., Printed on wove paper; hand-colored., Imperfect; sheet has been cut in half, with bottom portion (12.6 x 18.5 cm) containing most of the letterpress text mounted separately beside upper portion containing the engraved plate. Imprint statement has also been trimmed away., and Mounted on page 23 of: George Humphrey shop album.
Printed and published by W. Benbow, 269 Strand
Subject (Name):
Leach, John, 1760-1834, Caroline, Queen, consort of George IV, King of Great Britain, 1768-1821., and George IV, King of Great Britain, 1762-1830.
"Heading to a printed broadside. An enormous leech with the head and wig of Sir John Leach (see British Museum Satires No. 13740) advances menacingly upon three little men (right) who flee. Three others (left) register disgust, holding their noses. They say: "Tom T--dman's cart is nothing to compare to it; It stinks worse than a Pole-cat; D--n it what a Stench." A woman staggers backwards, saying: "Bring me a Smelling Bottle or I shall Die." One man lies on the ground fainting or dead. The leech is backed by clouds of smoke. Below the title: "The common damn'd shun its society, and think themselves fiends less foul." The text describes 'the Great Black Leech lately discovered at Milan . . .' procured 'at a great expense, at the special instance of the State "Doctor" [Sidmouth], . . . for 'the performance of an operation to relieve the Great Man's complaint' (a troubled mind). It was abortive and he is 'worse than ever'. Attempts to check its 'vicious propensities' were vain 'until Dr. Hone skilfully applied some "printer's ink" to it'."--British Museum online catalogue
Title etched below image., Date of publication from the British Museum catalogue., Mounted to 58 x 39 cm., Mounted on leaf 42 in volume 1 of the W.E. Gladstone collection of caricatures and broadsides surrounding the "Queen Caroline Affair.", and Figure of "Leech [sic]" identified in black ink below image; date "1820" written in lower right corner of sheet. Typed extract of two lines from the British Museum catalogue description is pasted beneath print.
Printed and published by W. Benbow, 269 Strand
Subject (Name):
Leach, John, 1760-1834, Caroline, Queen, consort of George IV, King of Great Britain, 1768-1821., and George IV, King of Great Britain, 1762-1830.
"Townsend, the Bow Street Officer, holding up his constable's staff, chases a man away from a country house, a corner of which appears on the right. A third man, Wellesley-Pole, shelters behind the constable, stretching out his arms towards his fleeing rival; he turns his head to listen to a pretty young woman who stands on a small iron balcony immediately behind him, with an open sash-window behind her. She says: "Risk not thy Precious life my Love in bold encounter with that dareing Scott." He answers: "no no my dear I'll shelter me behind the arm of Justice, & hunt him from his Scent by one of the most famous Bull Dogs in the Kingdom, & teach him never never to Dare to woo the [sic] from my Longing Arms Oh thou Golden Angel." A paper inscribed 'Scot' projects from the fugitive's pocket. Townsend says: "I'll teach you worsted working rascall to dare to set up in opposition to the Irish Secretary D-n your Impudence." A signpost points (left) to 'Norwhich' and (right) 'To Chippenham'."--British Museum online catalogue
Alternative Title:
Poled Scott hunted off after a long struggle
Title etched below image. and Attributed to William Heath in the British Museum catalogue.
Pub. Jan. 7, 1812, by S.W. Fores, 50 Picadilli [sic]
Subject (Geographic):
England and London.
Subject (Name):
Townsend, John, 1760-1832, Mornington, William Long Wellesley, Earl of, 1788-1857, and Wellesley, Catherine Tylney-Long, -1825
Subject (Topic):
Courtship, Staffs (Sticks), Chasing, Law enforcement officers, Balconies, and Traffic signs & signals