BEIN 2007 +198: Case mutilated., Plan accompanied by guard sheet with descriptive letterpress., Ortellius' map of Mexico, 1579, on lining-paper at end of v.2., "The Mendoza codex is a Mexican pictographic manuscript prepared on the authority of Don Antonio de Mendoza, the first viceroy of New Spain, for Charles V ... A Spanish priest, familiar with the Nauatl, or Mexican language, was employed by the viceroy to set down in Spanish the explanations of the glyphs as interpreted by the Mexicans themselves."--v.1, p.3., The facsimile includes the original pictographs in colors and the Spanish explanations., and Issued in case.
Waterlow & Sons, Limited
Subject (Geographic):
Subject (Topic):
Manuscripts, Mexican, Indians of Mexico, Languages, Writing, Antiquities, and History
Cassian, John, approximately 360-approximately 435
Published / Created:
[between 1300 and 1400]
Call Number:
Beinecke MS 996
Image Count:
Resource Type:
Manuscript on parchment of Iohannes Cassianus, Collationes
In Latin., Script: copied by one hand in Southern Gothica Textualis Libraria. Headings and running headlines in red. 2-line flourished initials, protruding into the margin or intercolumn, alternately in red and blue with penwork in the contrasting colours, at the opening of the chapters. Historiated initials on square background and with long marginal extensions (foliate bar borders) at the opening of the Prologue and of the Collationes., and Binding: de luxe binding s. XIX by Thibaron (d. c. 1880): blind-tooled brown morocco over cardboard boards, both covers decorated with fillets and flowery ornaments.
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut and New Haven.
Subject (Name):
Cassian, John, approximately 360-approximately 435.
Subject (Topic):
Christian literature, Latin, Manuscripts, Medieval, Theology, and History
A collection of 41 printed items that chronical the 1820 plot to murder the Prime Minister, Lord Liverpool, and his cabinet, so named for location where the thirteen conspirators meet near Edgware Road in London. The police learned of the plot through an informer, George Edwards, leading to a police trap in which one policeman, Richard Smithers, was killed, but the plotters were apprehended. Five other conspirators were transported to Australia. The collection includes portraits of the plotters, views of the Cato Street area and the interior of the loft where they were found, broadsides describing the events (some with images), and descriptions of the execution of five of the conspirators. The collection includes a series of portrait prints by Robert Cooper after drawings by Abraham Wivell that were published as illustrations to Thomas Kelly's "The Cato Street Conspiracy" (1820). A drawing signed "Peter Jackson, July 31, 1960" is a 20th-century view of the exterior of the London building where the conspirators were discovered
Title devised by cataloger., Many of the titles of the prints and broadsides are individually cataloged. Search by call number: LWL MSS 52., In English., and For further information, consult library staff.
Subject (Geographic):
Great Britain, England, and London
Subject (Name):
Adams, Robert, active 1820., Hiden, Thomas, active 1820., Brunt, J. T. 1782?-1820. (John Thomas),, Cooper, Charles, active 1820., Davidson, William, 1786-1820., Edwards, George, 1788-1842., Ings, James, -1820., Monument, John, active 1820., Thistlewood, Arthur, 1770-1820., and Tidd, Richard, 1775?-1820.
Subject (Topic):
Cato Street Conspiracy, 1820, Revolutionaries, History, Treason, and Criminals
Manuscript, in primarily one hand, of a collection of several hundred documents related to the office of the Master of the Revels, including printed matter, engravings, and handwritten notes. The volume contains historical information pertaining to the office, including engravings of the armorial insignia of the office of master of revels; a printed history of the word "revel"; and salaries of the Master, his assistants, and numerous musicians. The manuscript also contains numerous notes, biographies, and other documents related to individual Masters, including an original letter the Lord High Chancellor and Lord Chamberlain of H. M. Household, 1662 by Henry Herbert, Master of the Revels to Charles I and Charles II; a list of names in his hand; a genealogy of the family of George Buck, Master of the Revels to James I; newspaper clippings about Thomas Killigrew; an engraved bookplate which is signed "Charles Killigrew his Book"; and a colored engraving of Sir Henry Guildford, Lord Chamberlain to King Henry VIII. Pasted into the front of the manuscript is the printed auction catalogue from Sotheby's, containing an entry for this volume
Partial finding aid available., In English., Title from p. 7., Binding: half morocco over marbled boards. On spine: Historical collections relative to the office of the Master of Revels. J. H. Burn., and Marbled endpapers.
Subject (Geographic):
Great Britain., Great Britain, and England
Subject (Name):
Buck, George, Sir, 1560-1622., Burn, Jacob Henry, -1869., Herbert, Henry, Sir, 1595-1673., Killigrew, Charles, 1655-1724 or 1725., and Killigrew, Thomas, 1612-1683.
Subject (Topic):
English drama, History, Royal households, Theater, Women authors, and Officials and employees
Manuscript on parchment of Leonardo Bruni, Commentaria rerum graecarum (De principatu Graeciae), preceded by Bruni's letter to Angelo Acciaiuolo
In Latin., Script: Written in round humanistic bookhand by two scribes who use somewhat different physical formats. Scribe I) ff. 1r-16r, written above top line, with initials for paragraphs set apart from the text between outer vertical bounding lines. Scribe 2) ff. 16v-26v, written below top line and leaving blank the final line of written space., Two illuminated initials on ff. 1r and 2r, 5-line and 3-line, gold on blue, green and pale mauve ground with white vine-stem ornament and grey-green dots. On f. 1r vine-stem ornament on blue ground extends into inner margin (3-lines) to form partial border. Possibly by the same artist who executed the initials in Marston MS 257., and Binding: Twentieth century, Italy. Rigid vellum case with a green, gold-tooled label on spine: "L. Bruni De principatu graeciae. Sec. XV".
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut, New Haven., and Greece
Subject (Name):
Bruni, Leonardo, 1369-1444.
Subject (Topic):
Illumination of books and manuscripts, Medieval, Latin literature, Medieval and modern, Manuscripts, Medieval, and History
Manuscript on paper of commentaries on the Sunday Epistles and other theological and moral texts
In Latin., Script: copied by several similar hands in Gothica Cursiva or Semihybrida Currens; Libraria in art. 5. The headings and the commented texts are in a large, bold and more careful form of the same script; Gothica Textualis Formata at the opening of art. 1, the first section of art. 2 and the opening of art. 3., Red underlining, stroking of majuscules and plain initials of various sizes. A littera duplex (black and red) on ff. 1r and 38r. The decoration is missing at the end of art. 1 (starting f. 32r)., The manuscript contains: 1) Epistles for the Sundays, from Easter to the 16th Sunday after Pentecost, with commentary. 2) Epistles for the Sundays, from Easter to Palm Sunday, with commentary. 3) Summa poenitentiariorum, a commentary on the poem Poeniteas cito. 4) Short instructions for confession, followed by an extensive list in tabular form of sins, the Ten Commandments, the Seven Sacraments, the Works of Bodily Charity, the Works of Spiritual Charity, the Beatitudes, the Cardinal Virtues, the Gifts of the Holy Spirit. 5) Lumen animae. Theological and moral treatise in alphabetical form based on hundreds of quotations, mostly from texts of a scientific nature (medicine, natural history, astrology, alchemy, philosophy, etc.). 6) Jean Gerson, Donatus spiritualis. 7) Note on sexual perversities., and Binding: 19th century. Quarter binding, dark brown flat leather spine, the cardboard covers covered with dark brown paper paper.
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut and New Haven.
Subject (Name):
Gerson, Jean, 1363-1429.
Subject (Topic):
Confession, Catholic Church, Manuscripts, Medieval, Repentance, Christianity, Science, Medieval, Theology, and History
Manuscript on paper (trimmed), with parchment bifolios interspersed, of Julius Caesar, Commentary on the Gallic Wars, translated into French by Jean Duchesne. Written for Jacques Donche, counselor of Charles the Bold of Burgundy
In French., Watermarks: similar to Briquet Armoires: Trois fleurs de lis 1741., Script: Written in neat batarde script by Hellin de Burchgrave., Ten half-page miniatures, each in an arched frame composed of two thin bands, gold and red highlighted with white, edged in black, the arch with tiny cusps; beneath, initials, 6-, 4-, or 3-line, blue or blue and red with white highlights on a gold ground of irregular shape conforming to the letter, edged in black, with serifs protruding into the left margin; filled with green and/or red and crimson trilobe leaves on curling stems with white and/or yellow highlights, or with a blue, green, crimson, and gold diapered ground with white highlights. Three smaller miniatures, 12- or 14-line, occasionally cut off at the upper edge so as to fill only part of a line of text; frames rectilinear, otherwise identical to those described above, Beneath, 2-line initials, blue, with white highlights, filled with trilobe leaves, as above, once (f. 25r) with one leaf of spiky acanthus added, and once (f. 256r) with a pink ground with gold filigree. There is a blank space on f. 27r for another miniature of this type. Other decoration consists of 2-line calligraphic initials, paragraph marks, line fillers (spirals and heraldic dragons), page and chapter headings, all executed in red. The first one or two lines of some books (as well as occasional lines within the text) are underlined in red., A few folios have tears in the margins., and Binding: Eighteenth century. Spattered and gilt edges. Red goatskin, gold-tooled, with the arms of Eugene of Savoy on cover and his monogram on spine.
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut, New Haven., and Gaul
Subject (Name):
Caesar, Julius.
Subject (Topic):
French literature, Illumination of books and manuscripts, Medieval, Literature, Medieval, Manuscripts, Medieval, and History
Manuscript, in a single hand, of a collection of about 85 copies of primarily political documents pertaining to events between 1592 and 1632. The volume includes speeches and letters relating to the murder of Thomas Overbury and the trial of Walter Raleigh; a description of voyage to France to aid the Huguenot cause in 1626-7 and seige of La Rochelle; a factual account, with figures, of fighting in Thirty Years' War; "The examinations of the counterfett ghost that came into St James on fryday night the 13 of 9br 1612, beeing that day sennight after Prince Harries death," whose testimony was taken by Sir Thomas Chaloner and Sir John Holles; and the confession of Anne Lady Ross to the Star Chamber declaring that she had perjured herself by "accusing the said Right Honorable Countess of Exeter with an intent & purpose to poison" her. The volume also contains a copy of the will of Holles' father, Thomas Holles of Haughton, dated 17 March 1592 and "written in his owne hand"; and "A prayer wch my deere sister Wentworth did use, coppied from her owne hand, wch I had of my mother 24th Jan. 1631."
In English, French, and Italian., Arms of the 4th Duke of Newcastle stamped in gold on front cover., and Binding: full parchment. Printed on spine: "Copies of State Papers Etc. 1592 - 1632.
Subject (Geographic):
England., France, Great Britain., Great Britain, and France.
Subject (Name):
Chaloner, Thomas, 1595-1661., Holles, John, Earl of Clare, ca. 1565-1637., Overbury, Thomas, Sir, 1581-1613., and Raleigh, Walter, Sir, 1552?-1618
Subject (Topic):
Huguenots, History, Nobility, Thirty Years' War, 1618-1648, Treason, Trials, Wills, Foreign relations, Politics and government, and Social life and customs
BEIN JWJ Za C739 955co: Original wrappers. Inscription of Mamie E. Bradley, Emmett Till's mother. and "Authentic pictures teken on the spot designed to meet public demand"--Cover.