Manuscript, in unidentified hand, on parchment, including a collection of texts on medical and astrological topics, calendars and horoscopes
Alternative Title:
Medical and astrological texts : in English
In English., Title devised by cataloger., Script: Gothic cursiva., Decoration: 4 anatomical figures, 12 colored drawings of occupations of the months, 7 colored drawings of signs of the planets, 4 of the temperaments, 12 of the signs of the zodiac, 12 of their astrological abbreviations, and 12 large paintings of the signs of the zodiac. Also included: base of an astrolabe cut from a musical ms., ca. 1500 (f. 36r). Copious rubrication throughout., Layout: 1 column of around 40 lines., Binding: modern white leather binding over pasteboards., and Date of creation must be after 1552 and before 1554; the table on f. 6r runs from 1553 to 1590 and the chronicle notes on f.25r run to the beheading of the Duke of Somerset in 1552.
Subject (Topic):
Astrology, Medicine, Medieval, Medicine, and Manuscripts
Manuscript, on parchment, in several unidentified hands containing a collection of various medical treatises. Manuscript consists of tree sections bound together. First part contains several works by Aristotle (all in William of Moerbeke's recension): De anima (ff. 1r-26r; marginal commentary by Thomas Aquinas), De somno et vigilia (ff. 26r-37r), De generatine et corruptione (ff. 38r-55r), De causis (ff. 56r-61r), De motibus animalium (ff. 62r-63r, beginning imperfect), De memoria et reminiscentia (ff. 63r-66v), De longitudine (ff. 67r-69r); and Henricus Monachus' Tabula ad inveniendum Pascha (f. 70r). The second part (15th c. date on the basis of paleography) contains Johannes de Sacrobosco's Algorithmus (ff. 70v-74r), De sphaera (74r-81v), and Compotus ecclesiastius (82v-98r), the anonymous' De simplici et composito quadrante (98r-100v), Robertus Grosseteste's De sphaera (ff. 101r-106r) and Compotus (ff. 106r-124r), Campanus de Novara and Robertus Grosseteste's Tabulae (ff. 124r-126r), Expositio tabule de annis Arabum Magistri Campani (f. 126r), De pratica quadrantis (ff. 127r-130r), Chylindrus (ff. 137r-139r), Compotus manualis (ff. 139r-142r), and Gerardus Creonensis' Theorica planetarum (ff. 143r-155r). The third part (14th c. date on the basis of decoration) contains Prophatius Hebraeus' Tractatus quadrantis novi (ff. 156r-171r), and the Tabula ad sciendu quantum cum quolibet gradu zodiaci... (f. 171v) Ends with two diagrams (ff. 172v-173r) and a table the fixed stars (f. 173v)
Alternative Title:
De anima, De somno et vigilia, De generatione et corruptione [etc.] : [the Tabula ad inveniendum Pascha of Henricus Monachus, followed by selections, mostly astronomical and arithmetical, from Johannes de Sacrobosco, Robertus Grosseteste, Johannes de Ahrweiler, Gerardus Cremonensis]
In Latin., Title devised by cataloger., Script: Gothica textualis., Decoration: decorative red and blue initials, and several hand drawn maps of the fixed stars. Rubrication., Layout: 1 column of around 40 lines., Binding: 15th-century brown pig-skin binding, blind-tooled. Contemporary pig-skin tabs attached to fore-edges to demarcate beginins of new texts. Traces of straps from back to front cover. Traces of metal bosses on front cover and 3 holes in triangular formation for chain attachment on back cover. Label on front cover: Algorism[us] ... / Sper materialis / Compo[si]tus philosop[] / uel custod[]. Label on back cover: Sphaera materialis / Joannis de Arweilerio. Quadra[n]s / nouus Probacii Hebrei 1554. Note on binding on inside front cover: Anno domini MCCCCLIIII. Ligatus est iste liber per reuerendum patrum fratrem Matthiam Halddenof suppriorem conuentus wiennensis., Date of the first and oldest part is based on scribal note (f. 26r): Explicit liber de anima petri Rodeheym. Amen. Anno domini MCCLXXXXI in uigilia pentecostes., and Also available on microfilm.
Subject (Topic):
Astronomy, Medicine, Greek and Roman, Medicine, Aphorisms, Medicine, Medieval, Manuscripts, and Psychology
A manuscript, in a multitude of unidentified hands, on paper, containing a collection of medical and dietetic recipes. Also contains a section of unidentified elegiac poetry, including a few couplets attributed to Hesiod. Introduction, conclusion, and many other sections of the text wanting
Alternative Title:
Raccolta di ricette medicinali e dietetiche : [medical and dietetic recipes], in Italian and Latin ; finished 20 December 1573, with later additions
In Italian and Latin., Title devised by cataloger., Script: multiple humanist hands., Layout: single column of between 25 and 30 lines., Binding: bound in limp vellum with forage flap and leather strap. Unidentified manuscript writing on front cover., Colophon (f. 161v): 1573 di 20 di Decembrio sono fatti 30 salami fini 9: supheletti et li altri in Budello Delli Grassi n. 22. Indu[]elli no. In nome del servitor mio qual e in Galera e Baldassaro di Pepi Lisandrini perosino, e in Livorno nella Galera patrona dil gran Ducha di Fiorenza., and Manuscript's contemporary pagination indicates that many leaves are wanting: 26-38, 165-248, 297-358, 363-408, 419-426, 431-560.
Manuscript, in two different unidentified hands, containing a collection of medical ingredients and recipes. Contains, in the first humanist hand, collection of medical recipes (ff. 1-21r) and a text of medical recipes against the plague by Mastro Tomasso da Garbo (ff. 21v-23v). In the second gothic hand, contains a a list of ingredients and their medical uses in Latin and Italian (ff. 24r-33r in Latin, ff. 24r-25r, 33r-51v in Italian).
In Italian and Latin., Title devised by cataloger., Script: humanist minuscule and gothic textualis., Decoration: rubricated headings and rubrication throughout., Layout: single column of 28 lines., Binding: contemporary vellum binding., Incipit text 1: Tolle una melagrana et mondala tucta et poi la pesta et trane el sugho... Heading text 2: El consiglio di Mastro Tomasso da Garbo contro la pestilentia. Incipit text 3: Verdolaghe. La verdolaga e de amorosa natura et de freda perche siando pistata et metuta sopra lo ventre tira la febre..., and Modern foliation in pencil.
Subject (Topic):
Recipes, Manuscripts, Materia medica, and Medicine
Manuscript, in parchment, in unidentified hand, containing a collection of medical recipes in German (ff. 1-11 and 18-67), materia medica in German and Latin (ff. 11-18), and more recipes added between the late 15th century and the 18th century (ff. 67-88). Includes a 15th-century prayer against the falling sickness on the back flyleaf
Alternative Title:
Receipt book; German text on materia medica : written on vellum and paper in two different hands, with original wooden boards
In German and Latin., Title devised by cataloger., Script: gothic minuscule., Layout: single column of varying length., Decoration: medical receipts (ff. 1-67) rubricated., and Binding: bound in wooden boards; no backing. Traces of clasps. "Sermones" visible on the wood.
Subject (Topic):
Materia medica, Medicine, Manuscripts, and Recipes
Manuscript, on paper, containing a collection of medical treatises and recipes. Includes: medical recipes and charms (ff. 1-57), gynaecological treatise (ff. 60-71), catalogue of plants and their medical properties (ff. 73-99), and an astrological treatise (ff. 103-114).
Alternative Title:
Medical recipes and charms : followed by a gynaecological treatise, catalog of plants and their medical properties, and an astrological essay ; in English, with the astrology text (leaves 103-114) including Latin headings
In English with Latin headings., Title devised by cataloger., Script: secretary hand., Layout: single column of around 30 lines., Binding: bound in contemporary vellum. Severely damaged., and Also available on microfilm.
Subject (Topic):
Gynecology, Manuscripts, Medical, Medicine, Practice, Manuscripts, and Medicine, Medieval
Manuscript, in unidentified hand, on paper, containing a collection of medical treatises intended for practising physicians. Includes: Tiriaca magna Galieni, De urina, Egestio, De purgationibus, Contra februm, Sirupus contra tertianam, De sudore; and ends with a collection of recipes for flegma and colera
Alternative Title:
[Medical manuscript : in Latin ; containing several, mostly anonymous, tracts].
In Latin., Title devised by cataloger., Script: southern gothic textualis., Decoration: one decorated five-line initial (f. 1r). Two-line initials in red ink. Rubrication throughout., Layout: double columns of 34 lines., Binding: modern brown morocco binding., and Early modern foliation: 1-8.
Subject (Topic):
Materia medica, Medicine, Manuscripts, and Medicine, Medieval
Manscript, on paper, containing a collection of medical treatises. Containing "Ad Plagas" by Ambrosius de Benasco (ff. 2r-5r), Hippocrates' "Aphorismi," with commentaries by Galen and Haly Abbas (ff. 7r-69r), "Preservatio a Peste" by Antonio Guainerio (ff. 80v-87r), excerpts from Galen's Tegni (ff. 92v-142r), Mondino dei Luzzi's "Anathomia" (ff. 143v-164r). All but Ambrosius de Benasco's "Ad Plagas" written in Hieronymus Münzer's own hand
Alternative Title:
Medical collectanea / Hieronymus Münzer : written in Latin, on paper, with many marginal notes; signed and dated 1477, Pavia
In Latin., Title devised by cataloger., Script: humanist minuscule., Layout: 1 column of around 40 lines., Binding: original 15th-centur red leather binding on paper boards. Title on cover in ink: Aphorismi / Hippocrati. Spine label with "11" in ink., Owership note by Hieronymus Münzer on inside front cover: Hic libellus mei Hieronimi Monetarii de Felkirchen artium medicineque doctoris quem manu propria nocturnis vigiliis maximisque laboribus ex commento Galieni et Hali et aliorum excerpsi et in hunc paruum libellum relegi, in Papia urbe Ytalie, dum medicinali facultati studerem, anno domini 1477., Note by Hieronymus Münzer on f. 164r: Hieronymus finished copying on "18 die februarii anno 1477 - papia hora 21.", and Also available on microfilm.
Subject (Topic):
Medicine, Greek and Roman, Medicine, Aphorisms, Medicine, Medieval, and Manuscripts
Manuscript, in unidentified hand, on parchment, containing six medical treatises. Includes: Bartolomeo da Montagnana's De urinibus (ff. 1r-10r); prescriptions by an unknown author (ff. 11a-29v); Bartolomeo da Montagnana's De compositione et dosandi (ff. 30r-40v); Petri de Tussignano's Recepte (ff. 41r-68v); Antonio Guainiero's Gynaecologia (69a-102a); and Antonio Guainiero's De febribus (102v-138a). Some leaves torn without loss of text
Alternative Title:
Medical manuscript containing six treatises; copied by the same scribe in black ink, with some text in red and Book of prescriptions
In Latin., Title devised by cataloger., Script: gothica cursiva., Decoration: rubrication throughout., Layout: double column of 43 lines., Binding: bound in modern printed paper with parchment flyleaves., and Colophon (second column of f. 102r): Die 20 octobris 1458 per me Faustinum.
Subject (Topic):
Medicine, Materia medica, Fever, Gynecology, and Manuscripts
Manuscript, on parchment, in unidentified hand, containing a collection of texts by Aristotle: Physica (f. 1r), De caelo (f. 74r), De generatione (f. 131v), De anima (f. 151v), De memoria (f. 177r), De sensu (f. 180r), De somno (f. 189r), De longitudine et brevitate vitae (f. 198r), Meteorologica (f. 218r), Metaphysica (f. 251v). Also includes Costa Ben Luca's De differentia spiritus et animae (f. 200r), Nicholas of Damascus' De plantis (f. 206r), Pseudo-Aristotle's Liber de causis (f. 332r), and Nicholas of Amiens' Ars fidei catholicae (f. 335v).
Alternative Title:
Opera varia
In Latin., Title devised by cataloger., Script: southern gothic textualis., Layout: 2 columns of 37 lines., Decoration: contains 12 historiated initials: the Lord separating water and earth (f. 3), the Lord creating Heaven and earth (f. 74), the soul delivered rom the body (f. 151), five men at a table (f. 180), man sleeping (f. 189), the living and the dead (f. 198), young men in front of a tree (f. 206), the expulsion of Adam and Eve from Paradise (f. 206), meteors falling from heaven (f. 218), Christ appearing to a philosopher (f. 261), philosopher visited by angels (f. 332), dispute between two monks and a young man (f. 335r). Also, 29 ornamental initials in red, blue, and polished gold. Titles and subheadings in red and blue; rubrication., Binding: 20th-century brown leather half-binding over wood. Includes metal clasps and leather straps closing on the front cover. Remnants of the previous blind-stamped brown leather binding preserved separately., Note by Frater Nicolaus de Probstdorf: Isti libri naturales deputati sunt ad usum fratris Nicolay de Probstdorf lectoris. Et sunt empti pro II marcis argenti., and Also available on microfilm.
Subject (Topic):
Medicine, Greek and Roman, Medicine, Medieval, Medicine, Manuscripts, and Philosophy